Command reference. Runtime

Runtime is a part of the configuration file that can be changed after Bison Router has been started. It contains settings of virtual interfaces, routing, subscribers, and settings of other BisonRouter subsystems. When configuring, it is important to respect the dependency between objects. If object A is used by object B, then object A must be added first. For example, a VIF should be created before adding an IP address to the VIF.

Control Plane Protection

BisonRouter’s control plane module is responsible for processing protocols such as ARP, PPPoE, DHCP, etc. Handling incoming packets of these protocols is a CPU-intensive task, and therefore, the control plane could be overwhelmed by a storm of such packets. To prevent this scenario, BisonRouter employs a protection mechanism to detect such storms and drop incoming packets if their rate exceeds a defined threshold.

To limit the number of incoming packets processed, BisonRouter utilizes policer objects. Multiple policers are assigned for each of the control plane-protected protocols. Presently, three protocols are protected by policers: ARP, PPPoE, and DHCP. To determine the policer object for processing an incoming packet, BisonRouter calculates a hash value using the header content of the packet. Specifically, for ARP, PPPoE, and DHCP, BisonRouter employs the source MAC address field to compute the hash value and select the appropriate policer.

Note that the total rate of incoming packets for a protocol equals the number of policers multiplied by the rate of each policer.

The number of policers created for a protocol, policer’s ingress packets rates and a protection status of each protocol are controled by the following sysctl variables.

Sysctl variable Description
A boolean variable to disable/enable
protection of the ARP protocol.
0 - disabled. 1 - enabled.
An integer variable to set up the number
of policer objects for the ARP protocol.
The scope of the variable is startup.
An integer variable to set up the maximum rate
of ingress ARP reply packets handled by
a single policer.
The scope of the variable is runtime.
A boolean variable to disable/enable protection
of the PPPoE protocol. 0 - disabled. 1 - enabled.
The scope of the variable is runtime.
An integer variable to set up the number of policer
objects for the PPPoE protocol.
The scope of the variable is startup.
An integer variable to set up the maximum
rate of ingress PPPoE packets handled
by a single policer.
The scope of the variable is runtime.
A boolean variable to disable/enable protection
of DHCP v4, v6 protocols.
0 - disabled. 1 - enabled.
The scope of the variable is runtime.
An integer variable to set up the number of policer
objects for DHCP v4, v6 protocols.
The scope of the variable is startup.
An integer variable to set up the maximum rate
of ingress DHCP packets handled by a single policer.
The scope of the variable is runtime.


startup {
      sysctl set cplane_protection_arp_nb_policers 32
runtime {
      sysctl set cplane_protection_arp_rate 200

rcli sh cplane protection

This command outputs status of the Control Plane Protection module.

sh cplane protection


rcli sh cplane protection
      enabled: yes
      number of policers: 32
      policer rate: 50
      dropped ingress ARP replies: 0
      enabled: yes
      number of policers: 32
      policer rate: 150
      dropped packets: 0
DHCP v4 and v6:
      enabled: yes
      number of policers: 32
      policer rate: 200
      dropped packets: 0


VLAN Set is a helper BisonRouter module that enables other modules and functions to operate with multiple VLANs at the same time. For example, if there is a need to create hundreds of similar Virtual Interfaces (VIFs) it is easier to do that by creating a VLAN Set containing all VLAN ids and by running a single command to create VIFs that takes a VLAN Set id as a parameter.

vlan set create

This command creates a new VLAN set.

vlan set create <vlan_set_id>


Item Description
vlan_set_id The ID of a new VLAN set


This example shows how to create a VLAN set with id 2:

vlan set create 2

vlan set destroy

This command deletes a VLAN set.

vlan set destroy <vlan_set_id>


Item Description
vlan_set_id The ID of a VLAN set to delete


This example shows how to delete a VLAN set with id 2:

vlan set destroy 2

vlan set add range

This command adds a range of VLAN identifiers to a VLAN set.

vlan set <vlan_set_id> add port <port_num> range [svid <svid_range>] cvid <cvid_range>


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id The ID of a VLAN set virtual interfaces A numeric value
port Physical NIC Port number associated with VLANs A numeric value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ VLAN sets

cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ and Dot1Q VLAN sets


This example shows how to add Dot1Q VLANs with id values in the range from 10 to 100 to a VLAN set with id 2.

vlan set 2 add port 1 range cvid 10 100

This example shows how to add Dot1Q VLAN with id 139 to a VLAN set with id 2.

vlan set 2 add port 1 range cvid 139

This example shows how to add QinQ VLAN with svids in the range 10 20 and cvids in the range 1 10.

vlan set 2 add port 1 range svid 10 20 cvid 1 10

vlan set del range

This command deletes a range of VLAN identifiers from a VLAN set.

vlan set <vlan_set_id> del port <port_num> range [svid <svid_range>] cvid <cvid_range>


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id The ID of a VLAN set virtual interfaces A numeric value
port Physical NIC Port number associated with VLANs A numeric value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ VLAN sets

cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ and Dot1Q VLAN sets


This example shows how to delete Dot1Q VLANs with id values in the range from 10 to 100 from a VLAN set with id 2.

vlan set 2 del port 1 range cvid 10 100

This example shows how to delete Dot1Q VLAN with id 139 from a VLAN set with id 2.

vlan set 2 del port 1 range cvid 139

This example shows how to delete QinQ VLAN with svids in the range 10 20 and cvids in the range 1 10.

vlan set 2 del port 1 range svid 10 20 cvid 1 10

Virtual Interfaces

VIF (virtual interface) is an essential part of Bison Router which provides access to the VLAN.

vif add

This command creates a new virtual L3 interface (VIF).

vif add name <name> port <port_num> type <type> [svid <svid>] [cvid <cvid>] [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [MTU <mtu_size>]


Item Description Value
name Name of the virtual interface to be added
The VIF’s name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
port The port number to which the VIF is added  
type VIF type untagged
svid Service VLAN ID 1-4095. Mandatory for QinQ
cvid Customer VLAN ID 1-4095. Mandatory for QinQ and dot1q
flag Add a flag  
MTU Maximum transmission unit size  


These flags enable the following network functions:

Flag Description
npf_on NPF at interface
kni Kernal Network Interface. Mandatory for FRR/Quagga integration
proxy_arp Proxy ARP
flow_acct Flow Accounting (Netflow/IPFIX)
rpf Reverse path filter
dhcp_rel DHCP relay. Enabled by default
vrrp VRRP
pppoe_on PPPoE
l2_subs L2 subscribers management
l3_subs L3 subscribers management

vif flags

This command is intended for VIF flags enabling/disabling. Use this command if you need to enable a new flag that you did not specify in the vif add command.

vif flags <up|down> name <name> flags <flag1,flag2...>


Item Description
up Enable a flag
down Disable a flag
name VIF’s name


These flags enable the following network functions:

Flag Description
proxy_arp Proxy ARP
flow_acct Flow Accounting (Netflow/IPFIX)
rpf Reverse path filter
dhcp_rel DHCP relay. Enabled by default
pppoe_on PPPoE
l2_subs L2 subscribers management
l3_subs L3 subscribers management


This example shows how to disable the dhcp_rel flag for the VIF v20.

vif flags down name v20 flags dhcp_rel

vif del

This command deletes a VIF.

vif del <name>


Item Description
name Name of the VIF to delete


This example shows how to delete a VIF named v20:

vif del v20

vif car

This command enables ingress/egress bandwidth limit for a VIF.

vif car name <name> ingress cir <cir_value> egress cir <cir_value>


Zero value is used to delete a limit.


Item Description Value
name Name of the VIF for applying a limit  
cir_value Committed information rate value Kbit/s


This example shows how to enable ingress/egress bandwidth equal to 10000 for the VIF named v20:

vif car name v20 ingress cir 10000 egress cir 10000

This example shows how to disable ingress/egress bandwidth for the VIF named v20:

vif car name v20 ingress cir 0 egress cir 0

sh vif

This command outputs all VIFs and information about their configuration.

sh vif


Example of the response for sh vif command:

 sh vif
 vif v20
  id 2
  port 0, vlan 0.20, encapsulation dot1q
  mac address 0E:7B:2D:2E:F4:13
  shaper ingress not set
     egress not set
  ACL ingress not set
    egress not set
  flags dhcp_rel,NAT
  mtu 1500
 vif v30
  id 3
  port 1, vlan 0.30, encapsulation dot1q
 mac address CA:D6:F3:10:39:4A
 shaper ingress not set
     egress not set
 ACL ingress not set
    egress not set
  flags dhcp_rel
  mtu 1500
vif lo
  id 1
  port 255, vlan 4095.4095, encapsulation qinq
  mac address 00:00:00:00:00:01
  shaper ingress not set
    egress not set
  ACL ingress not set
   egress not set
  flags dhcp_rel
  mtu 1500

sh vif <name>

This command outputs information about a particular VIF.

sh vif <name>


Item Description
name Name of the VIF to show information about


This example shows how to output information about the VIF named v20:

sh vif v20

The response has the following format:

vif v20
 id 2
 port 0, vlan 0.20, encapsulation dot1q
 mac address 0E:7B:2D:2E:F4:13
 shaper ingress not set
    egress not set
 ACL ingress not set
   egress not set
 flags dhcp_rel,NAT
 mtu 1500

sh vif counters

This command outputs VIFs traffic statistics.

sh vif counters



vif_id  name    port    svid    cvid    rx_pkts tx_pkts rx_bytes        tx_bytes
2       v20     0       0       20      0       0       0       0
3       v30     1       0       30      2       0       804     0

clear vif counters

This command clears VIFs statistics.

clear vif counters

VIF VLAN set commands

These commands create a series of similar VIFs that differ only by the VLAN parameters. The commands use the VLAN set module to select the VLAN ids for which VIFs are created.

vif add vlan set

This command creates multiple VIFs with the VLAN ids from a VLAN set. Each VIF has the same parameters specified by the command and differs only by the VLAN ids and the name. VIF’s name is composed by concatenating the VIF name prefix, the port number, and VLAN ids. For example ‘v1.10.5’ is the name of a VIF with port number 1, svid 10 and cvid 5. ‘v’ is the default value of the VIF name prefix.

vif add vlan set <vlan_set_id> [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [mtu <mtu>] [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id  
flag VIF flags  
mtu Maximum transmission unit size  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


vif add vlan set 2

This command creates VIFs with the VLAN ids from the VLAN set 2. VIF have default flags, mtu, and prefix name ‘v’.

vif del vlan set

This command deletes multiple VIFs with the VLAN ids from a VLAN set. If VIFs were created with a non default VIF name prefix then the same prefix should be used by this delete commdand. The flag parameter and the mtu parameter should match the same parameters used when VIFs were created by the vif add vlan set command.

vif del vlan set <vlan_set_id> [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [mtu <mtu>] [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id  
flag VIF flags  
mtu Maximum transmission unit size  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


vif del vlan set 2

This command deletes VIFs with the VLAN ids from the VLAN set 2.

VIF range commands

These commands create a series of similar VIFs that differ only by the VLAN parameters. A general command is vif add range. The syntax varies depending on which VIF parameters need to be specified.


The range parameter in each command represents a range of numbers. Enter two numbers separated by a space to specify a range (for example, cvid 100 200 means Customer VLAN IDs from 100 to 200) and one number if it is a particular object (cvid 100 means Customer VLAN ID number 100).

vif add range

vif add name <name> port <port> type <type> range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> [flags <flag1,flag2...>] [mtu <mtu>]


Item Description Value
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to be added
The VIF’s name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
port The port number to which the VIFs range is added  
type VIFs type untagged
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ

cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095. Mandatory for QinQ and dot1q
flag Add a flag  
MTU Maximum transmission unit size  


To create 101 VIFs with VLAN numbers from 4.100 to 4.200 use the following format svid 4 cvid 100 200. Example of the full command:

vif add name rng1_ port 1 type qinq range svid 4 cvid 100 200 flags l2_subs

To create 202 VIFs with VLAN numbers from 4.100 to 5.200 use the following format svid 4 5 cvid 100 200. Example of the full command:

vif add name rng2_ port 1 type qinq range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 flags l2_subs

vif del range

This command deletes a VIF’s range.

vif del range svid <vlan_range> cvid <vlan_range> name <name>


Item Description Value
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to be deleted
The VIF’s name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range


Mandatory for QinQ

cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095. Mandatory for QinQ and dot1q


This example shows how to delete a VIFs range named v20 with VLAN numbers from 4.100 to 5.200:

vif del range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 v20

Traffic classification


ipset and l2set are subcases of U32 set. in IPv6, only l2set is supported.

U32 sets

u32set create

This command creates a new U32 set.

u32set create <name> size <size> bucket_size <bucket_size> type <set_type>


Item Description Value
name U32 set name
The U32 set name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
size U32 set size The max. number of elements in the set
bucket_size Bucket size 8-256
set_type U32 set type
ip - a set containing ipv4 addresses
l2 - a set containing VIF IDs


The example shows how to create a U32 set for storing IPv4 addresses:

u32set create ips1 size 16384 bucket_size 16 type ip

u32set destroy

This command deletes a U32 set.

u32set destroy <name>


Item Description
name Name of the U32 set to delete


This command deletes the U32 set named ips1:

u32set destroy ips1

IP set

ipset add

This command adds an IP address to a U32 set.

ipset add <name> <ip_address> [flags <flag>[,...]]


Item Description
name Name of the U32 set to add an IP address
ip_address IP address to add
Optional flags
persistent adds a persistent value that will be saved in a configuration file by

the save config command


This example shows how to add the IP address to the U32 set named ips1:

ipset add ips1

ipset del

This command deletes an IP address from a U32 set.

ipset del <name> <ip_address>


Item Description
name Name of the U32 set to delete an IP address from
ip_address IP address to delete


This example shows how to delete the IP address from the U32 set named ips1:

ipset del ips1

ipset test

This command checks whether a U32 set contains an IP address or not.

ipset test <name> <ip_address>


Item Description
name Name of the U32 set to check
ip_address IP address to check


This example shows how to check whether the U32 set named ips1 contains the IP address

ipset test ips1

sh ipset

This command outputs information about an IP set.

sh ipset <name>


Item Description
name Name of an IP set to output information


The response has the following format:

sh ipset ips1
U32SET name ips1, type IP, hash size 4096, hash bucket size 16, num items: 1
ipv4 address

l2 set

l2set add

This command adds a VIF identifier to a U32 set. The VIF identifier is a combination of port, svid, and cvid values and it is an integral element of the set.

l2set add <name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid> [flags <flag>[,...]]


Item Description Value
name Name of the U32 set to add a VIF identifier
The U32 set name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
port The port number to which the VIF is added  
svid Service VLAN ID 1-4095
cvid Customer VLAN ID 1-4095
flags optional flags
persistent adds a persistent value that will be saved
in a a configuration file by the save config


This example shows how to add the VIF identifier port 1 svid 2 cvid 3 to the U32set named l2s1:

l2set add l2s1 port 1 svid 2 cvid 3

l2set del

This command deletes a VIF identifier (port, svid, and cvid) from a U32 set.

l2set del <u32set_name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid>


Item Description Value
name Name of the U32 set to delete a VIF identifier
The U32 set name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
port The port number to which the VIF is added  
svid Service VLAN ID 1-4095
cvid Customer VLAN ID 1-4095


This example shows how to delete the VIF identifier port 1 svid 2 cvid 3 from the U32set named l2s1:

l2set del l2s1 port 1 svid 2 cvid 3

l2set test

This command checks whether a U32 set contains a VIF identifier or not.

l2set test <u32set_name> port <port_number> svid <svid> cvid <cvid>


Item Description Value
name Name of the U32 set to check a VIF identifier
The U32 set name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters
port The port number to which the VIF is added  
svid Service VLAN ID 1-4095
cvid Customer VLAN ID 1-4095


This example shows how to check whether the U32set named l2s1 contains the VIF identifier port 1 svid 2 cvid 3 or not:

l2set test l2s1 port 1 svid 2 cvid 3

sh l2set

This command outputs information about an L2 set.

sh l2set <name>


Item Description
name Name of an L2 set to output information


The response has the following format:

sh l2set l2s1
U32SET name l2s1, type L2, hash size 4096, hash bucket size 16, num items: 1

Prefix Map

The prefix map is a map containing IPv4 prefixes and integer values associated with them. It can be used to classify a packet. The value associated with the prefix matched to the packet can be used for further packet processing. For example, the prefix map is used by a multi-policer that applies different policies depending on the source or destination address of the packet. The value associated with the prefix indicates the multi-policer’s ID in this case.

The prefix map performs a search using the LPM algorithm (Longest prefix match). From two prefixes that differ only in length, the longer prefix will be selected. For example, in case of 2 prefixes: and, the address matches the prefix, because 29 is longer than 24.

prefix map create

This command creates a new prefix map.

prefix map create <prefix_map_id> [type <map_type>]


Item Description Value
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to create 0-31
map_type Prefix map type. Default type is ipv4. ipv4, ipv6


This example shows how to create a new ipv4 prefix map with the ID 10:

prefix map create 10 type ipv4

prefix map destroy

This command deletes a prefix map.

prefix map destroy <prefix_map_id>


Item Description
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to delete


This example shows how to delete a prefix map with the ID 10:

prefix map destroy 10

prefix map add

This command adds a prefix and a value associated with it into a prefix map.

prefix map add <prefix_map_id> <prefix>/<mask> value <value> [flags <flag[,...]>]


Item Description
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to add a prefix
prefix IPv4 prefix to add
mask Subnet mask
value The number that will be associated with the prefix
Optional flags:
persistent adds a persistent value that will be

saved in a configuration file by the save config command


This example shows how to add the IPv4 prefix and its associated value 2 to the prefix map 10:

prefix map add 10 value 2

prefix map del

This command deletes a prefix from a prefix map.

prefix map del <prefix_map_id> <ipv4_prefix>


Item Description
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to delete a prefix
ipv4_prefix IPv4 prefix to delete


This example shows how to delete the prefix from the prefix map 10:

prefix map del 10

sh prefix map

This command outputs the content of a prefix map.

sh prefix map <prefix_map_id>


Item Description
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to output


The response has the following format:

sh prefix map 10
prefix map id 10, num prefixes 4  3  4     101  2

IPv4 addressing and routing

This section describes the commands for configuring IPv4 routing and addressing.

IP addresses

ip addr add

This command assigns an IP address to a VIF.

ip addr add <ip_address>/<mask> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ip_address IP address to assign
mask Subnet mask (1-32)
vif_name Name of the VIF to assign an IP address


This example shows how to assign IP address to the VIF named v20:

ip addr add dev v20

ip addr del

This command deletes an IP address from a VIF.

ip addr del <ip_address>/<mask> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ip_address IP address to delete
mask Subnet mask (1-32)
vif_name Name of the VIF to delete the IP address


This example shows how to delete IP address assigned to the VIF named v20:

ip addr del dev v20

sh ip addr

The command outputs a list of IP addresses in use.

sh ip addr


name    port    vid     encapsulation
v20     0       0.20    dot1q  primary
v30     1       0.30    dot1q  primary
lo      255     4095.4095       qinq      h


The vid value consists of <svid_value>.<cvid_value>

IP address VLAN set commands

These commands are used to simultaneously add/delete addresses to/from multiple VIFs. VIFs are selected with the help of the VLAN set module.

ip addr add vlan set

This command adds an IP address to multiple VIFs created by the vif add vlan set command.

ip addr add <ip_address>/<mask> vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_prefix>]


Item Description Value
ip_address IP address to assign to VIFs  
mask Subnet mask (1-32)  
vlan_set_id ID of a VLAN set to select the VIFs  
vif_prefix VIF name prefix (optional). It should be the the same VIF name prefix that was used with vif add vlan set command.  


This example shows how to add IP address to the VIFs created with VLAN set 2.

ip addr add vlan set 2


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.

ip addr del vlan set

This command deletes an IP address from multiple VIFs created by the vif add vlan set command.

ip addr del <ip_address>/<mask> vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_prefix>]


Item Description Value
ip_address IP address to delete from VIFs  
mask Subnet mask (1-32)  
vlan_set_id ID of a VLAN set to select the VIFs  
vif_prefix VIF name prefix (optional). It should be the the same VIF name prefix that was used with vif add vlan set command.  


This example shows how to delete IP address from the VIFs created with VLAN set 2.

ip addr del vlan set 2


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.

IP address range commands

These commands are used to simultaneously change (add/remove) addresses of a set of VIFs.

ip addr add range

This command adds an IP address to multiple VIFs.

ip addr add range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> <ip_address>/<mask> name <name>


Item Description Value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
ip_address IP address to assign  
mask Subnet mask (1-32)  
name Name prefix  


The names output in the table have the following structure prefixsvid.cvid, where the prefix is a VIF name prefix. For example, if VIF name prefix is v, SVID is 1 and CVID 2, the name will be v1.2.


This example shows how to add the IP address to the VIFs range 4.100-4.200:

ip addr add range svid 4 cvid 100 200 name v20

ip addr del range

This command deletes an IP address from a VIFs range.

ip addr del range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> <ip_address>/<mask> name <name>


Item Description Value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
ip_address IP address to delete  
mask Subnet mask (1-32)  
name Name prefix  


This example shows how to delete the IP address from the VIFs range 4.100-4.200:

ip addr add range svid 4 cvid 100 200 name v20

IP routing tables

Bison Router forward packets based on routing tables, the sum of which forms the FIB (Forwarding Information Base). Multiple routing tables are supported. The main table is created automatically and used by default. All other tables are optional, they are created and edited manually. If multiple tables are used, the table selection is based on PBR (Policy-based Routing).

ip route table add

This command creates a new routing table.

ip route table add <name>


Item Description Value
name Name of the routing table to be added
The table name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters


This example shows how to create a new routing table named table_1:

ip route table add table_1

ip route table del

This command deletes a routing table.

ip route table del <name>


Item Description
name Name of the table to delete


This example shows how to delete a routing table named table_1:

ip route table del table_1

sh ip route tables

This command shows a list of routing tables.

sh ip route tables


The response has the following format:

sh ip route tables

IP routes

After creating routing tables, you can add routes to them.

ip route add

The following command syntax creates a route to a directly connected network.

ip route add <ip_address>/<mask> dev <vif_name> [src <src_ip>] [table <table_name>] [flags <flag>[, ...]]


Item Description
ip_address Directly connected network
mask Directly connected network mask (1-32)
vif_name The name of the VIF to which the network is connected
src_ip Source IP address
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one
Optional flags:
redistribute - redistribute this route to Quagga/FRR.


This example shows how to add a connected route to a routing table named table_1:

ip route add dev v20 table table_1

This command creates a route to a remote network.

ip route add <ip_address>/<mask> via <gw_ip> [src <src_ip>] [table <table_name>]


The IP address of the gateway must be reachable via a directly connected route. A directly connected route is added to the main routing table automatically when an IP address is added to a VIF. All routes in additional tables need to be created manually.


Item Description
ip_address Remote network
mask Remote network mask (1-32)
gw_ip IP of the gateway to reach the remote network
src_ip Source IP address
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add a route to a remote network to the main routing table:

ip route add via

This command creates an unreachable route.

ip route add <ip_address>/<mask> unreachable [table <table_name>]


Item Description
ip_address Unreachable route
mask Network mask (1-32)
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add an unreachable route to the main routing table:

ip route add unreachable

ip route del

This command deletes a route from a routing table.

ip route del <ip_address/mask> [table <table_name>]


Item Description
ip_address IP route prefix to delete
mask Network mask (1-32)
table_name Name of the table to delete the route


This example shows how to delete a route from the main routing table:

ip route del

sh ip route

This command outputs the content of a routing table.

sh ip route [table_name]


Item Description
table_name Name of the table which content is output


If the table_name parameter is not specified, the content of the main table is output by default.


The response has the following format:

sh ip route unreachable proto rcli local proto internal C dev v20 src proto internal via dev v30 src proto rcli unreachable proto rcli C dev v30 src proto internal via dev v20 src proto rcli

In particular, the response contains data on route types and route origin.

Route types

Name Description
local Local network
C Directly connected network
unreachable Unreachable network
via Remote network reachable via a gateway

Route origin

Name Description
rcli A route manually created with rcli
internal Created by Bison Router
fpm Created by Quagga/FRR

ip route get

This command outputs the ip route that is used to forward a particular packet.

ip route get <dst_ip> [table <table_name>] [src <src_ip>]


Item Description
dst_ip Destination IP address to lookup a route for.
table_name Optional. Name of the routing table to lookup for a route in.
Optional. Source IP address to lookup for a particular next-hop
in a multi-hop route. It’s used only with UCMP multi-hop routes
with ‘ip_src_dst’ or ‘ip_src’ hash function types.


If the table_name parameter is not specified, the content of the main table is output by default.

Equal-cost multipath (ECMP) and Unequal-cost multipath (UCMP) routing

BisonRouter supports both Equal-cost multipath (ECMP) and Unequal-cost multipath or Weighted mulltipath (UCMP) routing schemes. ECMP/UCMP routes can be created either manually or received from FRR routing daemons. Packets of the same L3 flow are always forwarded via the same path.

ECMP/UCMP ip route add

This command creates a multi-path route (ECMP or UCMP) to a remote network.

ip route add <ip_address>/<mask> via nexthop <nexthop1_ip> weight <nexthop1_weight>
      [nexthop <nexthop2_ip> weight <nexthop2_weight>...]
      [hash type <hash_type>] [table <table_name>] [flags <flag>[, ...]]


Nexthop IP addresses must be reachable via a directly connected route. A directly connected route is added to the main routing table automatically when an IP address is added to a VIF. All routes in additional tables need to be created manually.


Item Description
ip_address Remote network
mask Remote network mask (1-32)
nexthop1_ip IP address of the nexthop 1 gateway
nexthop1_weight Nexthop 1 weight
nexthop2_ip IP address of the nexthop 2 gateway
nexthop2_weight Nexthop 2 weight
Optional parameter. Specifies a type of hash-function to determine
a next hop index for a particular packet.
Possible values:
ip_src_dst - a hash function that calculates the next hop index
using src-ip and dst-ip packet header fields
ip_src - a hash function that calculates the next hop index
using src-ip packet header field
ip_dst - a hash function that calculates the next hop index
using dst-ip packet header field
When omitted default global hash function type is used.
Default global hash function is set up with fib_multihop_default_hash_type
sysctl string variable that uses the same hash function type names.
table_name The name of the table to add a route. The Main routing table is used by default.
Optional flags:
redistribute - redistribute this route to Quagga/FRR.


This example shows how to add a UCMP default route to the main routing table. The route is a two-path route. Path #1 has a weight 1. Path #2 has a weight 3. Those weights will result in 25% of traffic being forwarded via the path #1, and 75% of traffic via path #2.

rcli ip route add via nexthop weight 1 nexthop weight 3 hash type ip_src table main

This example shows how to add a ECMP default route to the main routing table:

rcli ip route add via nexthop weight 1 nexthop weight 1 table main

This example shows how to set up global default next hop hash function type for UCMP routes.

rcli 'sysctl set fib_multihop_default_hash_type "ip_dst"'


UCMP and ECMP routes can be created dynamically with the help of FRR software.


FRR should be compiled with the options ‘–enable-fpm’ ‘–enable-multipath=8’.

Policy-based Routing (PBR)

Policy-based Routing (PBR) is a technique used to make routing decisions based on rules and packet data. The rules apply to each incoming packet and determine which routing table will be used to route the packet. The rules are analyzed in the order of the specified priority until the first match is found. The rule matches the packet if the packet data meets the criteria specified in the rule. If no match is found or there are no PBR rules then the main routing table is used.

ip pbr rule add

This command creates a PBR rule. There are several syntax types to create rules with different matching criteria.

Add a PBR rule for a U32 set

This command creates a PBR rule to match the traffic originating from one of the IP addresses contained in the IP set or VIFs contained in L2 set.

ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> u32set <u32set_name> type <type> table <table_name>


Item Description Value
prio_num Priority number  
u32set_name Name of the U32 set to add to the rule  
ip - traffic originating from one
of the addresses contained in the IP set
l2 - traffic originating from one
of VIFs contained in an L2 set.
table_name Name of the routing table to use  


This example shows how to add a rule with a priority number 1 to match the traffic originating from one of the addresses contained in the IP set ips1:

ip pbr rule add prio 1 u32set ips1 type ip table table_1

This example shows how to add a rule with a priority number 2 to match the traffic originating from one of the VIFs contained in an L2 set l2settest:

ip pbr rule add prio 2 u32set l2settest type l2 table table_1

Add a PBR rule for a network

This syntax variant creates a PBR rule to match the traffic originating from a particular network. To additionally match a destination network specify it in the parameter to <dest_ip_address/mask> (can be omitted).

ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> from <src>/<src_mask> [to <dst>/<dest_mask>] table <table_name>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number
src Source network
src_mask Source network mask
dst Destination network
dest_mask Destination network mask
table_name Name of the routing table to use


This example shows how to create a rule with a priority number 1 to match the traffic originating from a particular network:

ip pbr rule add prio 1 from table table_1

This example shows how to create a rule with a priority number 1 to match the traffic originating from a particular network and destinated to another network:

ip pbr rule add prio 1 from  to table table_1

Add an L4 PBR rule

This syntax variant creates a PBR rule to match the traffic sourced from or destinated to a specific L4 port.

ip pbr rule add prio <prio_num> proto <ip_proto> src|dst <port> table <table_name>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number
ip_proto IP protocol
port L4 port number
table_name Name of the routing table to use


This example shows how to create a rule with a priority number 1 to match the UDP traffic desinated to port 53:

ip pbr rule add prio 1 proto udp dst port 53 table table_1

This example shows how to create a rule with a priority number 1 to match the UDP traffic sourced from port 80:

ip pbr rule add prio 1 proto udp src port 80 table table_1

ip pbr rule del

This command deletes a PBR rule with the given priority.


Removing a priority does not affect the priority numbering of other existing rules.


Avoid creating rules with the same priority, otherwise it may lead to unpredictable prioritization of these rules. To view the list of existing rules, use the command sh ip pbr rules.

ip pbr rule del prio <prio_num>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number


This example shows how to delete a PBR rule with the priority number 2:

ip pbr rule del prio 2

ip pbr flush

This command deletes all PBR rules.

ip pbr flush

sh ip pbr rules

This command outputs all PBR rules.

sh ip pbr rules


The response has the following format:

sh ip pbr
prio  condition  rt_table
10  ipset ips1  rt_bl
20  l2set l2s1  rt_bl
30  from  rt_bl
40  from  to  rt_bl


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses. The ARP cache is a table of records consisting of three elements: IP address, MAC address, and VIF name.

arp add

This command creates or edits an ARP record.

arp add <ip_address> <mac> dev <vif_name> [type]


Item Description Value
ip_address IP address to map  
mac MAC address to map  
vif_name Name of the corresponding VIF  
type ARP record type
static - doesn’t have a TTL
dynamic - has a TTL (default type)


ARP TTL is configured in sysctl <arp_cache_timeout>. This variable can be changed at any time. The default value is 300 seconds.


This example shows how to add an ARP cache record mapping IP address, MAC address E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E and VIF named v20:

arp add E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E dev v20


VIF, in this case, is the scope of the command. Exactly the same IP and MAC addresses may exist within another VIF.

arp del

This command deletes an ARP record.

arp del <ip_address> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ip_address IP address to delete
vif_name Name of the corresponding VIF


This example shows how to delete the ARP record for IP address and VIF v20:

arp del dev v20

sh arp cache

This command outputs the content of the ARP cache.

sh arp cache


sh arp cache
port    vid     ip      mac     type    state
2       0.3   E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E       dynamic ok
2       0.5   A8:5B:78:09:0C:E1       dynamic ok
2       0.3     D4:CA:6D:7C:D0:DF       dynamic ok
2       0.20    E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E       dynamic ok
2       0.20    60:A4:4C:41:0A:24       dynamic ok


The vid value consists of <svid_value>.<cvid_value>

Possible types:

Type Description
Dynamic Has a TTL
Static Doesn’t have a TTL

Possible states:

State Description
ok Ready to use
resolving ARP request sent, but still no response received
failed ARP request sent, no response received (final state)
stale Response received, but the value of the MAC address could be outdated



Ping is a utility used to test the reachability of a host on an IP network. Ping measures the round-trip time for messages sent from the originating host to a destination device that are echoed back to the source.


This command is only used on the command line.

ping --help
Usage: ping [-c,--count <count>] [-i,--interval <interval>] [-s <icmp_payload_size>]
[-f,--dont_frag] [-a,--source_address <src_ip_address>] [-w,--nowait]
[-h,--help] <dest_ip_address>


Parameter Description Value
count Number of test packets (default value - 5)  
interval Time interval between requests ms
icmp_payload_size Request size bytes
dont_frag Don’t fragment  
src_ip_address VIF IP address from which the request is sent  
nowait Send requests without pauses  
help Output help  
dest_ip_address Destination IP address  


Ping 56(84) bytes of data.
reply 56 bytes icmp_seq=1 time=103.515 ms
reply 56 bytes icmp_seq=2 time=109.306 ms
reply 56 bytes icmp_seq=3 time=103.933 ms
reply 56 bytes icmp_seq=4 time=119.942 ms
reply 56 bytes icmp_seq=5 time=121.397 ms
Ping statistics:
sent: 5, recv: 5 (100%), lost: 0 (0%)
round-trip min/avg/max = 103.515/111.617/121.397


Traceroute is an utility to discover the route packets take to a specified network host.


This command is only used on the command line.

rcli traceroute --help
Usage: traceroute [-c dont_inc_dst_port] [-f first_ttl] [-m max_ttl] [-P proto]
[-l payload_len] [-s src_address] [-q nprobes] [-t tos]
[-w waittime] [-o src_port] [-b base_dst_port] [-h,--help] host


Parameter Description Value
dont_inc_dst_port Don’t increment the destination port number in UDP packets  
first_ttl Set the initial TTL number  
max_ttl Set the max TTL number  
proto Set the protocol being used to discover the route. icmp and udp protocol are supported  
payload_len Set the length of payloads  
src_address Set the source IP addres of probes  
nprobes Set the number of probes to send for each TTL  
tos Set the TOS value of probes  
waittime Wait time in ms for a response to a probe  
src_port Set the source port of probes. Only for UDP.  
base_dst_port Set the base destination port number. Only for UDP.  
help Output the help message  
host Destination host  


rcli traceroute -p icmp xx.xx.1.1
traceroute to xx.xx.1.1, 64 hops max, payload 16 bytes
1  0.332ms  0.169ms  0.150ms
2   xx.xx.1.1  0.756ms  0.283ms  0.165ms


ARPING is an utility to test reachability of a host on a connected IP network. ARPING sends ARP requests to the specified host and ouputs hosts replies.


This command is only used on the command line.

rcli arping --help
Usage: arping [-c,--count count] [-i,--interval interval_in_ms]
[-h,--help] destination ip


Parameter Description Value
count Number of probe ARP requests (default value is 5)  
interval Time interval between requests ms
help Output the help message  
destination ip Destination IP address  


rcli arping
reply time 0.168 ms from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1B
reply time 0.147 ms from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1B
reply time 0.216 ms from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1B
reply time 0.211 ms from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1B
reply time 0.135 ms from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1B
arping statistics:
sent: 5, recv: 5 (100%), lost: 0 (0%)
round-trip min/avg/max ms 0.135/0.175/0.216

IPv6 addressing and routing

This section describes the commands for configuring IPv6 routing and addressing.

Virtual interface IPv6 addressing

ipv6 enable

This command enables IPv6 protocol on a VIF and creates a link-local address using the EUI-64 scheme.

ipv6 enable dev <vif_name>


Item Description
vif_name Name of the VIF to enable the protocol


This example shows how to enable IPv6 protocol on the VIF named v20:

ipv6 enable dev v20

ipv6 disable

This command disables IPv6 protocol for a VIF and deletes all corresponding addresses and routes.

ipv6 disable dev <vif_name>


Item Description
vif_name Name of the VIF to disable the protocol


This example shows how to disable IPv6 protocol for the VIF named v20:

ipv6 disable dev v20

ipv6 enable vlan set

This command enables the IPv6 protocol at the VIFs with the VLAN ids from a VLAN set.

ipv6 enable vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


ipv6 enable vlan set 2

This command enables the IPv6 protocol at the VIFs with the VLAN ids from the VLAN set 2.

ipv6 disable vlan set

This command disables the IPv6 protocol at the VIFs with the VLAN ids from a VLAN set.

ipv6 disable vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


ipv6 disable vlan set 2

This command disables the IPv6 protocol at the VIFs with the VLAN ids from the VLAN set 2.

ipv6 enable vif range

This command enables or disables IPv6 protocol for a VLAN range.


The range parameter represents a range of numbers. Enter two numbers separated by a space to specify a range (for example, cvid 100 200 means Customer VLAN IDs from 100 to 200) and one number if it is a particular object (cvid 100 means Customer VLAN ID number 100).

ipv6 <state> vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <vif_name>


Item Description Value
state Enter enable to enable Router Advertisement messages or disable to disable
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
vif_name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to enable  


This example shows how to enable IPv6 protocol on a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 within the VIF v20:

ipv6 enable vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name v20

ipv6 addr add eui-64

This command generates an address using the given prefix and the VIF ID (EUI-64 scheme) and assigns the address to the VIF.

ipv6 addr add eui-64 <ipv6_prefix>/<length> eui-64 dev <vif_name>


Item Description
prefix IPv6 prefix
length IPv6 prefix length
vif_name Name of the VIF to assign an IPv6 address


This example shows how to generate an IPv6 address using the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461:: and assign it to the VIF v20.

ipv6 addr add eui-64 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 eui-64 dev v20

ipv6 addr add

This command assigns an IPv6 address to a VIF.

ipv6 addr add <ipv6_address>/<length> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address
length IPv6 address length
vif_name Name of the VIF to assign an IPv6 address


This example shows how to assign IPv6 address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2/64 to VIF v20:

ipv6 addr add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2/64 dev v20

ipv6 addr auto

This command enables/disables SLAAC client on a VIF. After enabling, Bison Router starts assigning dynamic IPv6 addresses on an interface based on the information received in Router Advertisement messages.

ipv6 addr auto dev <vif_name> <state>


Item Description Value
vif_name Name of the VIF to enable SLAAC  
state Enter enable to enable SLAAC or disable to disable

ipv6 addr del

This command deletes an address from a VIF.

ipv6 addr del <ipv6_address/<length> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address
length IPv6 address length
vif_name Name of the VIF to assign an IPv6 address


This example shows how to delete the IPv6 address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2/64 from the VIF v20:

ipv6 addr del 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2/64 dev v20

sh ipv6 addr

This command outputs IPv6 addresses assigned to VIFs.

sh ipv6 addr


Example of the response for sh ipv6 addr command:

sh ipv6 addr
vif v20
 port 0, vlan 0.20, encapsulation dot1q
 IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is fe80::16d7:64ff:feac:1aee, flags PREF
 Global unicast address(es):
  2001:470:1f0e:1461::1/64, flags PREF
Solicited-node mcast address(es):
Joined multicast group address(es):

IPv6 routing tables

Bison Router forward packets based on routing tables, the sum of which forms the FIB (Forwarding Information Base). Multiple routing tables are supported. The main table is created automatically and used by default. All other tables are optional, they are created and edited manually. If multiple tables are used, the table selection is based on PBR (Policy-based Routing).

ipv6 route table add

This command creates a new IPv6 routing table

ipv6 route table add <name>


Item Description Value
name Name of the routing table to be added
The table name must start with a letter.
The max. name length is 96 characters


This example shows how to create a new IPv6 routing table named table_1:

ipv6 route table add table_1

ipv6 route table del

This command deletes an IPv6 routing table from the FIB.

ipv6 route table del <name>


Item Description
name Name of the routing table to delete


This example shows how to delete the IPv6 routing table named table_1:

ipv6 route table del table_1

sh ipv6 route

This command outputs the content of an IPv6 routing table.

sh ipv6 route [table <name>]


Item Description
name IPv6 routing table name


If the table name is not specified, the content of the main (default) routing table is output.


Example of a response to the command:

sh ipv6 route
2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 C dev v20 proto internal
::/0 via 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2 dev v20 proto rcli

IPv6 routes

After creating routing tables, you can add routes to them.

ipv6 route add

Directly connected network

The following command syntax creates a route to a directly connected network.

ipv6 route add <prefix/length> dev <vif_name> [table <table_name>]


Item Description
prefix Directly connected network prefix
length Directly connected network prefix length
vif_name The name of the VIF to which the network is connected
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add a connected route to a routing table named table_1:

ipv6 route add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 dev v20 table_1

Remote network

This command creates a route to a remote network.

ipv6 route add <prefix/length> via <ipv6-address> [table <table_name>]


The IP address of the gateway must be reachable via a directly connected route. A directly connected route is added to the main routing table automatically when an IP address is added to a VIF. All routes in additional tables need to be created manually.


Item Description
prefix Remote network prefix
length Remote network prefix length
ipv6-address IPv6 address of the gateway to reach the remote network
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add to the main routing table a route to a remote network:

ipv6 route add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 via 2001:470:1f0e:1462::3 table_1

Default route

This command adds a default route into a routing table.

ipv6 route add ::/0 via <ipv6-address> [table <table_name>]


Item Description
ipv6-address IPv6 address of the default gateway
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add a default route to a routing table named table_1:

ipv6 route add ::/0 via 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2 table_1

Unreachable route

This command creates an unreachable route.

ipv6 route add <prefix/length> unreachable [table <table_name>]


Item Description
prefix Unreachable route prefix
length Prefix length
table_name Specify the name of the table to add a route, otherwise it is added to the default one


This example shows how to add an unreachable route to the main routing table:

ipv6 route add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 unreachable

ipv6 route del

This command deletes a route from a routing table.

ipv6 route del <prefix/length> [table <table_name>]


Item Description
prefix IPv6 route prefix to delete
length Network prefix length
table_name Name of the table to delete the route


This example shows how to delete the route for 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 from the main routing table:

ipv6 route del 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64

ipv6 route default auto

This command enables creation of a default route based on information from Router Advertisement messages. After enabling, Bison Router will create a default route based on the first Router Advertisement message received by the interface and associate a timer with this route. The timer value will match the RA.lifetime value from the message. After the timer expires, the default route will be deleted, and Bison Router will be ready to create a new default route as soon as it receives another Router Advertisement message.

ipv6 route default auto dev <vif_name> <state>


Item Description Value
vif_name Name of the VIF to enable default route creation  
state Enter enable to enable creation or disable to disable it


This example shows how to enable a default route for the VIF v20:

ipv6 route default auto dev v20 enable

IPv6 Policy-based routing

Policy-based Routing (PBR) is a technique used to make routing decisions based on rules and packet data. The rules apply to each incoming packet and determine which routing table will be used to route the packet. The rules are analyzed in the order of the specified priority until the first match is found. The rule matches the packet if the packet data meets the criteria specified in the rule. If no match is found or there are no PBR rules then the main routing table is used.

ipv6 pbr rule add prefix

This syntax variant creates a PBR rule to match the traffic originating from a particular network.

ipv6 pbr rule add prio <prio_num> from <prefix/length> table <table_name>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number
prefix IPv6 prefix prefix to match the traffic originating from
length IPv6 prefix length
table_name Name of the routing table to use


This example shows how to add a rule with a priority number 1 to match the traffic originating from 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64:

ipv6 pbr rule add prio 1 from 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 table table_1

ipv6 pbr rule add set

This command creates a PBR rule to match the traffic received from one of the VIFs contained in L2 set.


So far, only l2 value of the set type parameter is supported.

ipv6 pbr rule add prio <prio_num> u32set <set_name> type <set_type> table <table_name>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number
set_name Name of the U32 set to use in a rule
set_type Currently, only one type is supported in IPv6 l2
table_name Name of the routing table to use


This example shows how to add a rule with a priority number 1 to match the traffic originating from l2 set named l2set_test:

ipv6 pbr rule add prio 1 u32set l2set_test type "l2" table table_1

ipv6 pbr rule del

This command deletes a PBR rule with the given priority.


Removing a priority does not affect the priority numbering of other existing rules.


Avoid creating rules with the same priority, otherwise it may lead to unpredictable prioritization of these rules. To view the list of existing rules, use the command sh ip pbr rules.

ipv6 pbr rule del prio <prio_num>


Item Description
prio_num Priority number


This example shows how to delete a PBR rule with the priority number 2:

ipv6 pbr rule del prio 2

sh ip pbr rules

This command outputs PBR rules.

sh ip pbr rules


The response has the following format:

sh ipv6 pbr rules
prio  condition  rt_table
10  from 2001:470:400e:1461::/64  main6
20  l2set l2s1  main6


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is used to map IP addresses to MAC addresses. The ARP cache is a table of records consisting of three elements: IPv6 address, MAC address and VIF name.

ipv6 arp add

This command creates or edits an ARP record.

ipv6 arp add <ipv6_address> <mac> dev <vif_name> [static]


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address to map
mac MAC address to map
vif_name Name of the corresponding VIF
static Add this parameter to disable TTL (optional)


ARP TTL is configured in nd_neighbor_cache_entry_ttl. This variable can be changed at any time. The default value is 600 seconds.


This example shows how to add an ARP cache record mapping IP address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2, MAC address E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E and VIF named v20:

ipv6 arp add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2 E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E dev v20


VIF in this case is the scope of the command. Exactly the same IPv6 and MAC addresses may exist within another VIF.

ipv6 arp del

This command deletes an ARP record.

ipv6 arp del <ipv6_address> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address to delete
vif_name Name of the corresponding VIF


This example shows how to delete the ARP record for IP address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2 and VIF v20:

arp del 2001:470:1f0e:1461::2 dev v20

sh ipv6 arp

This command outputs the content of the IPv6 ARP cache.

sh ipv6 arp


The response has the following format:

sh ipv6 arp
vif  ip  mac  state  flags
flags: R - isRouter, P - probing, S - static
port 0, vid 0.20, type 0  fe80::cd93:87a6:9c34:f752  DA:AB:79:AA:47:FB  stale
port 0, vid 0.20, type 0  2001:470:1f0e:1461::2  DA:AB:79:AA:47:FB  reachable


The vid value consists of <svid_value>.<cvid_value>

Possible states:

State Description
reachable Record contains all the necessary data
incomplete Response has not been received yet
stale Response received, but the value of the MAC address could be outdated

IPv6 ICMP Errors

icmp6 error msg

This command enables or disables the generation of ICMPv6 error messages with certain type and code.

icmp6 error msg type <type_number> code <code_number> <state>


Item Description Value
type_number ICMPv6 error message type number  
code_number ICMPv6 error message code number  
state Enter enable to enable the message or disable to disable


This example shows how to enable ICMPv6 message type 3 code 6:

icmp6 error msg type 3 code 6 enable

sh icmpv6 error msg

This command outputs the state of an ICMPv6 error message.

sh icmpv6 error msg type <type_number> code <code_number>


Item Description
type_number ICMPv6 error message type number
code_number ICMPv6 error message code number


This example shows how to output information about the status of an ICMPv6 message type 3 code 6:

sh icmpv6 error msg type 3 code 6

The response has the following format:

sh icmpv6 error msg type 3 code 6
icmpv6 error message type 3, code 6 is enabled

Possible statuses:

icmpv6 error message type x, code x is not supported
icmpv6 error message type x, code x is enabled
icmpv6 error message type x, code x is disabled

IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisement

ipv6 nd ra

This command enables or disables Router Advertisement messages on a VIF. If the Router Advertisement messages are disabled, the router will not transmit Router Advertisement messages on a VIF and will not respond to requests from neighbor routers.

ipv6 nd ra <state> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
state Enter enable to enable messages or disable to disable
vif_name Name of a VIF to enable/disable Router Advertisement messages  


This example shows how to enable Router Advertisement messages for the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra enable dev v20

ipv6 nd ra vlan set

ipv6 nd ra enable|disable vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]

These commands enable or disable transmission of IPv6 ND RA messages at the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set.


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


ipv6 nd ra enable vlan set 2

This command enables transmission of IPV6 ND RA messages at the VIFs with ids from the VLAN set 2.

ipv6 nd ra enable vif range

This command enables or disable Router Advertisement messages on a VLAN range.


The range parameter represents a range of numbers. Enter two numbers separated by a space to specify a range (for example, cvid 100 200 means Customer VLAN IDs from 100 to 200) and one number if it is a particular object (cvid 100 means Customer VLAN ID number 100).

ipv6 nd ra <state> vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <vif_name>


Item Description Value
state Enter enable to enable Router Advertisement messages or disable to disable
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
vif_name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to be added  


This example shows how to enable Router Advertisement messages on a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 within the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra enable vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name v20

ipv6 nd ra lifetime

This command configures the value of the lifetime field of Router Advertisement messages sent from a VIF.

ipv6 nd ra lifetime <number> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
number Lifetime value
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure a lifetime value of Router Advertisement messages  


This example shows how to set the lifetime field value equal to 3600 for the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra lifetime 3600 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra interval

This command configures MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval variables and its values. For more information, see 6.2.1. Router Configuration Variables.

ipv6 nd ra interval <min_number> <max_number> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
min_number MinRtrAdvInterval value
3-0.75 * MaxRtrAdvInterval
max_number MaxRtrAdvInterval value
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure a MinRtrAdvInterval variable  


This example shows how to set the MinRtrAdvInterval value 3 and the MaxRtrAdvInterval value 10 on the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra interval 3 10 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra reachable

The command configures the value of the Reachable Time field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by Bison Router.


The value 0 means unspecified.

ipv6 nd ra reachable <number> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
number Reachable time value
<3,600,600 (1 hour)
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure the Reachable Time  


This example shows how to set the Reachable Time field value equal to 1000000 on the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra reachable 1000000 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra retrans_timer

This command configures the value of the Retrans Timer field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by Bison Router.


The value 0 means unspecified.

ipv6 nd ra retrans_timer <number> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
number Retrans Timer value
default value 1000
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure the Retrans Timer  


This example shows how to set the Retrans Timer equal to 2000 on the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra retrans_timer 2000 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra hop_limit

This command configures the default value of the Cur Hop Limit field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by Bison Router. The value should be set to the current diameter of the Internet.


The value 0 means unspecified.

ipv6 nd ra hop_limit <number> dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
number Cur Hop Limit value 1-255
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure the Cur Hop Limit  


This example shows how to set the Cur Hop Limit equal to 4 on the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra hop_limit 4 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra prefix add

This command adds a prefix to Router Advertisement messages sent from a VIF.

ipv6 nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags <flags>] dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
prefix IPv6 prefix  
length IPv6 prefix length  
valid_lt The length of time the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination sec
The length of time in that addresses generated from the prefix via stateless
address autoconfiguration remain preferred
A - 1-bit autonomous address-configuration flag. When set, indicates that
this prefix can be used for stateless address configuration
O - 1-bit “Other configuration” flag. When set, it indicates that
other configuration information is available via DHCPv6
A, O


This example shows how to add the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 to Router Advertisement messages sent from the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra prefix add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra prefix update

This command updates a prefix in Router Advertisement messages sent from a VIF.

ipv6 nd ra prefix update <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags <flags>] dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
prefix IPv6 prefix  
length IPv6 prefix length  
valid_lt The length of time the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination sec
The length of time in that addresses generated from the prefix via stateless
address autoconfiguration remain preferred
A - 1-bit autonomous address-configuration flag. When set, indicates that
this prefix can be used for stateless address configuration
O - 1-bit “Other configuration” flag. When set, it indicates that
other configuration information is available via DHCPv6
A, O


This example shows how to update the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 in Router Advertisement messages sent from the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra prefix update 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 dev v20

ipv6 nd ra prefix del

This command deletes a prefix from Router Advertisement messages sent from a VIF.

ipv6 nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
prefix IPv6 on-link prefix
length IPv6 on-link prefix length
vif_name Name of the VIF to delete a prefix form Router Advertisement messages


This example shows how to delete the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 from Router Advertisement messages sent from the VIF v20:

ipv6 nd ra prefix add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 dev v20



vrrp create group

This command creates a new VRRP group.

vrrp create group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to create
vif_name Name of a VIF to create a VRRP group


This example shows how to create the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp create group 10 dev v5

vrrp del group

This command deletes a VRRP group.

vrrp del group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to delete
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete a VRRP group


This example shows how to delete the VRRP group 10 from the VIF v5:

vrrp del group 10 dev v5

vrrp group ip add

This command adds the primary or a secondary IP address to a VRRP group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ip add <ip_address> [secondary]


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to add primary or secondary IP address
vif_name Name of a VIF to add primary or secondary IP address to a VRRP group
IP address to add. Use secondary parameter, if the IP address is
secondary. Omit secondary parameter, if the IP address
is primary.


This example shows how to add the primary IP address to the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 ip add

This example shows how to add the secondary IP address to the VRRP group 11 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 11 dev v5 ip add secondary

vrrp group ip del

This command deletes an IP address from a VRRP group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ip del <ip_address>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to delete an IP address
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete an IP address from a VRRP group
ip_address IP address to delete


This example shows how to delete the IP address from the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 ip del

vrrp group prio

This command changes the priority of a VRRP group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> prio <prio_num>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to change the priority
vif_name Name of a VIF to change the priority of a VRRP group
prio_num Priority number of a VRRP group


This example shows how to set the priority number 100 for the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 prio 100

vrrp group advert_int

This command changes the advertisement transmission interval of a VRRP group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> advert_int <value>


Item Description Value
ID of a VRRP group to change the advertisement
transmission interval
Name of a VIF to change the advertisement transmission
interval of a VRRP group
value Interval value
100 centiseconds = 1 sec


This example shows how to set the advertisement transmission interval 200 for the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 advert_int 200

vrrp group preempt_mode

This command changes the Preempt_Mode of a VRRP group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> preempt_mode <mode>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP group to change the Preempt_Mode  
Name of a VIF to change the Preempt_Mode of a VRRP group
on - enables preemption
off - disables preemption


This example shows how to enable the preemption of the VRRP group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 preempt_mode on

sh vrrp

This command outputs a VRRP group.

sh vrrp


The response has the following format:

sh vrrp
vif v5 - group 11
  vif v5 - port 0, vid 0.5, type 0
  state is backup
  virtual mac address is 00:00:5E:00:01:0B
  primary ip address is
    secondary ip address is
  advertisement interval is 1 sec
  preemption is on
  priority is 100
  master router is, priority is 150
  master router advertisement interval is 1 sec
  master down interval is 3.609 sec

vif v5 - group 10
  vif v5 - port 0, vid 0.5, type 0
  state is master
  virtual mac address is 00:00:5E:00:01:0A
  primary ip address is
    secondary ip address is
  advertisement interval is 1 sec
  preemption is on
  priority is 150
  master router is (this system), priority is 150
  master router advertisement interval is 1 sec
  master down interval is 3.414 sec

VRRP version 3

vrrp create group

This command creates a new VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp create group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> address-family af_ipv6 version 3


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to create
vif_name Name of a VIF to create a VRRP3 IPv6 group


This example shows how to create the VRRP3 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp create group 10 dev v5 address-family af_ipv6 version 3

vrrp group del

This command deletes a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp del group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to delete
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete a VRRP3 IPv6 group


This example shows how to delete the VRRP3 group 10 from the VIF v5:

vrrp del group 10 dev v5

vrrp group ipv6 add

This command sets or changes an IPv6 link-local address of a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 add <ipv6_address>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set or change an IPv6 link-local address
Name of a VIF to set or change an IPv6 link-local address
of a VRRP3 IPv6 group
ipv6_address IPv6 link-local address


This example shows how to set the IPv6 link-local address fe80::1269:ddac:fe32:d336 for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 ipv6 add fe80::1269:ddac:fe32:d336

vrrp group ipv6 add

This command adds a secondary IPv6 global address to a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 add <ipv6_address> secondary


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to add a secondary IPv6 global address
Name of a VIF to add a secondary IPv6 global address
to a VRRP3 IPv6 group
ipv6_address Secondary IPv6 global address


This example shows how to add the secondary IPv6 global address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::10 to the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 ipv6 add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::10 secondary

vrrp group ipv6 del

This command deletes a secondary IPv6 global address from a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> ipv6 del <ipv6_address> secondary


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to delete a secondary IPv6 global address
Name of a VIF to delete a secondary IPv6 global address
from a VRRP3 IPv6 group
ipv6_address Secondary IPv6 global address


This example shows how to delete the secondary IPv6 global address 2001:470:1f0e:1461::10 from the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 ipv6 del 2001:470:1f0e:1461::10 secondary

vrrp group prio

This command changes the priority of a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> prio <prio_num>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to change the priority
vif_name Name of a VIF to change the priority of a VRRP3 IPv6 group
prio_num Priority number of a VRRP3 IPv6 group


This example shows how to set the priority number 100 for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 prio 100

vrrp group advert_int

This command changes the advertisement transmission interval of a VRRP IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> advert_int <value>


Item Description Value
ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to change
the advertisement transmission interval
Name of a VIF to change the advertisement transmission
interval of a VRRP3 IPv6 group
value Interval value
100 centiseconds = 1 sec


This example shows how to set the advertisement transmission interval 200 for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 advert_int 200

vrrp group accept_mode

This command changes the Accept_Mode of a VRRP3 IPv6 group. For more details, see RFC 5798 6.1.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> accept_mode <mode>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to change the Accept_Mode  
Name of a VIF to change Accept_Mode of a VRRP3 IPv6 group
on - enables Accept_Mode
off - disables Accept_Mode


This example shows how to enable the Accept_mode for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 accept_mode on

vrrp group preempt_mode

This command changes the preempt_mode of a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> preempt_mode <mode>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to change the Preempt_Mode  
Name of a VIF to change Preempt_Mode of a VRRP3 IPv6 group
on - enables preemption
off - disables preemption


This example shows how to enable the preemption of the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 preempt_mode on

sh vrrp

This command outputs a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

sh vrrp


The response has the following format:

sh vrrp
vif p0 - group 10
 vrrp version is 3
 vif p0 - port 0, vid 0.0, type 0
 state is master
 virtual mac address is 00:00:5E:00:01:0A
 primary ip address is fe80::ae1f:6bff:fe98:21be
  secondary ip address is 2001:470:1f0e:1461::10
 advertisement interval is 1 sec
 preemption is on
 accept-mode is off
 priority is 150
 effective priority is 150
 flags is 18
 master router is fe80::21b:21ff:febc:ca3c (this system), priority is 150
 master router advertisement interval is 1 sec
 master down interval is 3.41 sec

vrrp group nd ra enable/disable

This command enables or disables transmission of ND Router Advertisement messages for a VRRP3 IPV6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra <mode>


Item Description Value
ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to enalbe/disable transmission of ND Router
Advertisement messages
Name of a VIF to enalbe/disable transmission of ND Router
Advertisement messages for a VRRP3 IPv6 group
enable - enables transmission
disable - disables transmission


This example shows how to enable the transmission of ND Router Advertisement messages for the VRRP3 IPV6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 nd ra enable

vrrp group nd ra lifetime

This command configures a lifetime field value of Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP3 IPV6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra lifetime <value>


Item Description Value
ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set a lifetime field value of Router
Advertisement messages
Name of a VIF to set a lifetime field value of Router Advertisement
messages for a VRRP3 IPv6 group
value Lifetime field value of Router Advertisement messages


This example shows how to set the lifetime field value of Router Advertisement messages 1000 sent for the VRRP3 IPV6 group 10 on the VIF v5:

vrrp group 10 dev v5 nd ra lifetime 1000

vrrp group nd ra interval

This command configures MinRtrAdvInterval and MaxRtrAdvInterval variables and its values for a VRRP3 IPV6 group. For more information, see RFC 4861 6.2.1.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra interval <min_number> <max_number>


Item Description Value
min_number MinRtrAdvInterval value
3-0.75 * MaxRtrAdvInterval
max_number MaxRtrAdvInterval value
ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set MinRtrAdvInterval
and MaxRtrAdvInterval values
Name of a VIF to configure MinRtrAdvInterval
and MaxRtrAdvInterval values for a VRRP3 IPV6 group


This example shows how to set the MinRtrAdvInterval value 3 and the MaxRtrAdvInterval value 10 for the VRRP3 IPV6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra interval 3 10

vrrp group nd ra reachable

The command configures the value of the Reachable Time field in the Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP3 IPv6 group by Bison Router.


The value 0 means unspecified.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra reachable <number>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set the Reachable Time value  
Name of a VIF to configure the Reachable Time
for a VRRP3 IPv6 group
number Reachable time value
<3,600,600 (1 hour)


This example shows how to set the Reachable Time field value equal to 1000000 in the Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra reachable 1000000

vrrp group nd ra retrans_timer

This command configures the value of the Retrans Timer field in the Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP3 IPv6 group by Bison Router.


The value 0 means unspecified.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra retrans_timer <number>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set the Retrans Timer value  
Name of a VIF to configure the Retrans Timer
for a VRRP3 IPv6 group
number Retrans Timer value
default value 1000


This example shows how to set the Retrans Timer equal to 2000 in the Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra retrans_timer 2000

vrrp group nd ra hop_limit

This command configures the default value of the Cur Hop Limit field in the Router Advertisement messages sent by Bison Router. The value should be set to the current diameter of the Internet.


The value 0 means unspecified.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra hop_limit <number>


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to set the Cur Hop Limit value  
vif_name Name of a VIF to configure the Cur Hop Limit for a VRRP3 IPv6 group  
number Cur Hop Limit value 1-255


This example shows how to set the Cur Hop Limit equal to 4 in the Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra hop_limit 4

vrrp group nd ra prefix add

This command adds a prefix in Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags <flags>]


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to add a prefix in Router Advertisement messages  
Name of a VIF to add a prefix in Router Advertisement messages for a VRRP3
IPv6 group
prefix IPv6 prefix  
length IPv6 prefix length  
valid_lt The length of time the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination sec
The length of time in that addresses generated from the prefix via stateless
address autoconfiguration remain preferred
A - 1-bit autonomous address-configuration flag. When set, indicates that
this prefix can be used for stateless address configuration
O - 1-bit “Other configuration” flag. When set, it indicates that
other configuration information is available via DHCPv6
A, O


This example shows how to add the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 in Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra prefix add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64

vrrp group nd ra prefix update

This command updates a prefix in Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP3 IPv6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name> nd ra prefix add <prefix/length> [valid_lt <number>] [preferred_lt <number>] [flags <flags>]


Item Description Value
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to update a prefix in Router Advertisement messages  
Name of a VIF to update a prefix in Router Advertisement messages for a
VRRP3 IPv6 group
prefix IPv6 prefix  
length IPv6 prefix length  
valid_lt The length of time the prefix is valid for the purpose of on-link determination sec
The length of time in that addresses generated from the prefix via stateless
address autoconfiguration remain preferred
A - 1-bit autonomous address-configuration flag. When set, indicates that
this prefix can be used for stateless address configuration
O - 1-bit “Other configuration” flag. When set, it indicates that
other configuration information is available via DHCPv6
A, O


This example shows how to update the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 in Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20 nd ra prefix update 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64

vrrp group nd ra prefix del

This command deletes a prefix from Router Advertisement messages sent for a VRRP IPV6 group.

vrrp group <vrrp_id> dev <vif_name>  nd ra prefix add <prefix/length>


Item Description
vrrp_id ID of a VRRP3 IPv6 group to delete a prefix in Router Advertisement messages
Name of a VIF to delete a prefix in Router Advertisement messages sent for
a VRRP3 IPv6 group
prefix IPv6 prefix
length IPv6 prefix length


This example shows how to delete the prefix 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64 from Router Advertisement messages sent for the VRRP3 IPv6 group 10 on the VIF v20:

vrrp group 10 dev v20  nd ra prefix add 2001:470:1f0e:1461::/64

Flow accounting

flow ipfix_collector (deprecated)

This command configures flow accounting IPFIX collector address and port. Default port value is 4739.


This command is still supported, but its use is not recommended since it may be removed in future releases. Please use the command flow collector instead.

flow ipfix_collector addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a flow accounting IPFIX collector  
port_number Port number of a flow accounting IPFIX collector Default = 4739


This example shows how to set and the default port number for the flow accounting IPFIX collector:

flow ipfix_collector addr

flow collector

This command configures flow accounting collector address and port.

flow collector addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>] [scope <scope_value>]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a flow accounting collector  
port_number Port number of a flow accounting collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
Defaul = 10
Scope. Scope determines what messages will be sent to the collector.
ip - both IPv4 and IPv6 messages
ipv4 - only ipv4 messages
ipv6 - only ipv6 messages
Default = ip


This example shows how to set and the default port number for the flow accounting collector:

flow collector addr

flow collector add

This command adds a Flow collector to the list of Flow collectors. Flow accounting messages are sent to all collectors on the list at the same time.

flow collector add addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>] [scope <scope_value>]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a Flow collector  
port_number Port number of a Flow collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
Default = 9
Scope. Scope determines what messages will be sent to the collector.
ip - both IPv4 and IPv6 messages
ipv4 - only ipv4 messages
ipv6 - only ipv6 messages
Default = ip


This example shows how to add a Flow collector with IP address and port number 9995.

flow collector add addr port 9995 proto 9

flow collector del

This command deletes a Flow collector from the list of Flow collectors. Flow accounting messages are sent to all collectors on the list at the same time.

flow collector del addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a Flow collector  
port_number Port number of a Flow collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
Default = 9


This example shows how to delete a Flow collector with IP address and port number 9995.

flow collector del addr port 9995 proto 9

flow acl add

This command adds an ACL with a given ID to the list of ALCs used by the Flow accounting module to filter the traffic it processes.

rcli flow acl add <aclid> prio <prio>


Item Description Value
aclid ID of existing ACL  
prio position of added ACL in the Flow accounting list of ACLs  


This example shows how to add existing ACL with ID 21 into the Flow accounting list of ACLs at position 10

flow acl add aclid 21 prio 10

flow acl del

This command deletes an ACL with a given ID from the list of ALCs used by the Flow accounting module to filter the traffic it processes.

flow acl del <aclid>


Item Description Value
aclid ID of existing ACL  


This example shows how to delete ACL with ID 21 from the Flow accounting list of ACLs

flow acl del aclid 21

sh flow

This command outputs the Flow accounting configuration.

sh flow


# sh flow
flow accounting enabled: yes
flow accounting collectors:
addr      port    proto       4739    10       4739    10

flow export filter
      src filter enabled: 0
      src filter prefix map id: -
      dst filter enabled: 0
      dst filter prefix map id: -
IPFIX shaper not defined

sh flow stat

This command outputs Flow accounting statistic counters.

sh flow stat


The response has the following format:

sh flow stat
flow ipv4 allocated:      0
flow ipv4 free:           32768
flow ipv4 exported:       16
flow ipv6 allocated:      0
flow ipv6 free:           32768
flow ipv6 exported:       0
flow export failures:     0
lcore 1 overflow count:   0
lcore 1 flow created:     16
total overflow:           0
total flow created:       16


NAT timeouts

Commands in this section are applicable to all types of NAT.

sh nat timeout

This command outputs NAT session state’s timeout values.

sh nat timeout


The output has the following format:

sh nat timeout
unknown: 30
active: 40
syn_sent: 30
established: 7200
fin_wait: 30
close_wait: 30
closing: 30
last_ack: 30
closed: 30
icmp_active: 30
dns: 4
gre: 7200

nat timeout

This command sets the timeout for NAT translations with a particular state.

nat timeout <state> <timeout>


Item Description Value
timeout Timeout value sec
state Name of the translation session state


This example shows how to set timeout 1200 seconds for translations with the state established:

nat timeout established 1200


SNAT44 is an implementation of the IPv4 Source NAT port-block-based algorithm. It is the most flexible and feature-rich SNAT module of Bison Router. SNAT44 allows to dynamically change the internal and the out/translation IP address spaces of the SNAT44 map, temporarily exclude out/translation IP addresses from operation.

SNAT features:

  • SNAT44, DNAT44.
  • EIM, Endpoint Independent Mapping.
  • NAT translation session limit per host.
  • Hairpinning (NAT loopback).
  • NEL (NAT Event Logging) via IPFIX, Netflow v9.
  • Performance up to 15 Mpps and 120 Gbit/s.
  • ALG support: PPtP, ICMP, traceroute.
  • Supports all major protocols and applications including SIP, FTP, RTSP, IPSec and GRE based VPNs, and gaming console.

To activate the SNAT function, you need to perform these steps in the following order:

  1. Create a map (snat create map).
  2. Enable the SNAT function on a VIF (snat vif enable).
  3. Add a map to a VIF (snat add map).

These steps order and corresponding commands are mandatory. The rest are used for additional configuration.


This example shows the order in which the required commands should be executed:

snat create map 1 in entries 20000 sess 8000000
snat vif v20 enable
snat vif v20 add map 1

snat create map

This command creates a map to translate an internal IPv4 address space (in) to a public IPv4 address space (out). The internal IP address space can include a number of internal IP address prefixes. The out address spaces consist of a number of IP address ranges.

snat create map <map_id> [in entries <nb_in_entries>] [sess <nb_sessions>] [port block <port_block_size>] [ratio <ratio>] [ip port block <nb_pb_per_in_ip>]


Item Description Default values
nb_in_entries Maximum number of internal IP records 32768
nb_sessions Maximum number of NAT sessions 8388608
port_block_size Port block size 128
The ratio of internal to out addresses.
For example, a ratio value 32 would mean
that each out (public) address could be used
by max. 32 internal IP addresses
at the same time
Maximum number of port blocks
that an internal IP can use at the same time


It is recommended to use default values for the following variables:
port_block_size 128
ratio 256
nb_pb_per_in_ip 4

The nb_in_entries value should be equal to the number of subscribers.

The nb_sessions value is calculated as follows:
nb_sessions = nb_in_entries * 4000,
where 4000 is the maximum number of NAT sessions for a residential CPE.


This example shows how to create a SNAT map 1 with the ratio of internal to out address 32:

snat create map 1 ratio 32

Example with all the specified parameters:

snat create map 1 in entries 40000 sess 16000000 port block 128 ratio 64 ip port block 4

sh snat maps

This command outputs information on all translation maps.

sh snat maps


The response has the following format:

sh snat maps
SNAT map
  map id: 1
  internal prefixes:
  out ranges: -
  active sessions: 0
  max internal hosts: 32768
  max sessions: 8388608
  in/out ratio: 32
  port block size: 128
  port blocks per out address: 504
  port blocks per in address: 4
  state counters:
    unknown: 0
    active: 0
    syn_sent: 0
    established: 0
    fin_wait: 0
    close_wait: 0
    closing: 0
    last_ack: 0
    closed: 0
    icmp_active: 0
    dns: 0
    gre: 0

sh snat sessions map

This command outputs NAT sessions within a map or all session for an IP address if such a parameter is specified.

sh snat sessions map <map_id> [in <ip_address>]


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to show sessions
ip_address Internal IPv4 address to output sessions (optional)


The response has the following format:

sh snat sessions map 1 in
in addr:port  out addr:port  ext addr:port  proto  state  expire in secs  udp  active  29  xx.xx.12.223:62510  tcp  established  7198  xx.xx.12.223:62472  udp  active  28  xx.xx.12.223:62583  tcp  syn_sent  29  xx.xx.12.223:62472  udp  active  28  xx.xx.12.223:62543  tcp  syn_sent  29  xx.xx.12.223:62472  udp  active  28  xx.xx.12.223:62526  tcp  syn_sent  29

sh snat int_ip map

This command outputs internal IP records of a SNAT44 map. The internal IP record contains the following information:

  • the out/translation IP address used by the internal IP address.
  • port blocks used exclusively by the translation IP address.
sh snat int_ip map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to output internal IP records


The response has the following view:

sh snat int_ip map 1 | head
int-ip  out-ip  port-blocks  xx.xx.12.62  ports 60928 - 61055, rc 28, closed 0  xx.xx.12.32  ports 53632 - 53759, rc 50, closed 0  xx.xx.12.41  ports 51968 - 52095, rc 1, closed 0  xx.xx.12.57  ports 55296 - 55423, rc 6, closed 0

snat del map

This command deletes a translation map.

snat del map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete


This example shows how to delete the translation map 1:

snat del map 1

snat map add in prefix

This command adds an IP address prefix to the map’s internal IP address space.

snat map <map_id> add in prefix <prefix>/<mask>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to add a prefix
prefix IPv4 prefix to add
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to add the prefix to the map 1 internal IP address space:

snat map 1 add in prefix

snat map del in prefix

This command deletes an IP address prefix from the map’s internal IP address space.

snat map <map_id> del in prefix <prefix>/<mask>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete a prefix
prefix IPv4 prefix to delete
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to delete the prefix from the map 1 internal IP address space:

snat map 1 del in prefix

snat map add out range

This command adds an IP range to the map’s out IP address space.

snat map <map_id> add out range <ipv4_addr_from> <ipv4_addr_to>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to add a range
ipv4_addr_from The first IPv4 address of the range
ipv4_addr_to The last IPv4 address of the range


This example shows how to add the IP range to the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 add out range

snat map del out range

This command deletes an IP range from the map’s out IP address space.

snat map <map_id> del out range <ipv4_addr_from> <ipv4_addr_to>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete a range
ipv4_addr_from The first IPv4 address of the range
ipv4_addr_to The last IPv4 address of the range


This example shows how to delete the IP range from the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 del out range

snat map add out prefix

This command adds an IPv4 prefix to the map’s out IP address space.

snat map <map_id> add out prefix <prefix>/<mask>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to add a prefix
prefix IPv4 prefix to add
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to add the prefix to the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 add out prefix

snat map del out prefix

This command deletes an IPv4 prefix from the map’s out IP address space.

snat map <map_id> del out prefix <prefix>/<mask>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete a prefix
prefix IPv4 prefix to delete
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to delete the prefix from the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 del out prefix

snat map out ip disable

This command excludes one of out IP addresses from the map’s out IP address space.

snat map <map_id> out ip <ip_address> disable


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to exclude an IP address
ip_address IPv4 address to exclude


This example shows how to exclude the IPv4 address from the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 out ip disable

snat map out ip enable

This command restores one of the previously excluded out IP addresses.

snat map <map_id> out ip <ipv4_address> enable


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to restore an IP address
ip_address IPv4 address to restore


This example shows how to restore previously excluded IPv4 address in the map 1 out IP address space:

snat map 1 out ip enable

snat close host sessions

This command closes and deletes all translation sessions of a host with a particular IPv4 address.

snat close sess map <map_id> in <addr_in>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map
addr_in IPv4 address of a host from one of map’s internal networks to close and delete sessions


This example shows how to close and delete all sessions of the host from the map 1:

snat close sess map 1 in

snat close host session in

This command closes and deletes a translation session with particular internal and external endpoints values.

snat close sess map <map_id> in <addr:port_in> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session  
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to close and delete the translation session with internal endpoint and external endpoint

snat close sess map 1 out ext icmp

snat close host session out

This command closes and deletes a translation session with a particular combination of out address and port and an external endpoint value.

snat close sess map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to close and delete the translation session with a combination of out address and port and external endpoint

snat close sess map 1 out ext tcp

snat vif enable

This command enables the SNAT function on a VIF.

snat vif <vif_name> enable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to enable SNAT


This example shows how to enable the SNAT function on the VIF v20:

snat vif v20 enable

snat vif disable

This command disables the SNAT function on a VIF.

snat vif <vif_name> disable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to disable SNAT


This example shows how to disable the SNAT function on the VIF v20:

snat vif v20 disable

snat add map

This command adds a map to a VIF.


Once a map is added to a VIF and the SNAT function is enabled, the VIF will start performing SNAT translations according to the map’s parameters.

snat vif <vif_name> add map <map_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to add a translation map
map_id ID of a map to add


This example shows how to add the map 1 to the VIF v20:

snat vif v20 add map 1

snat del map

This command deletes a map from a VIF.

snat vif <vif_name> del map <map_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete a translation map
map_id ID of a map to delete


This example shows how to delete the map 1 from the VIF v20:

snat vif v20 del map 1

snat connection limit get

This command outputs the current number of established sessions and the max. number of allowed sessions for an internal IP address.

snat connection limit get <addr_in>


Item Description
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network


The response has the following view:

snat connection limit get
ip  connections  max connections  0  4096

snat connection limit set

This command sets the max. number of allowed sessions for an internal IP address.

snat connection limit set <addr_in> <value>


Item Description
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network
value The max. number of allowed sessions


This example shows how to set the max. number of allowed session equal to 300 for the internal IP address

snat connection limit set 300

sysctl variables to configure the session limit feature

To activate the SNAT sessions limit feature, you need to perform these steps in the following order:

  1. Group sessions (sysctl set snat_conn_limit_group_by).
  2. Set the max. number of sessions for a group (sysctl set snat_conn_limit_default_max_conn).


This example shows the order in which the required variables should be set:

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_group_by 1
sysctl set snat_conn_limit_default_max_conn 4096

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_group_by

This sysctl variable defines the criteria for grouping sessions.

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_group_by <mode>


Item Description
0 - don’t group sessions and don’t limit the number of sessions in a group.
This mode disables the feature.
1 - limit the number of sessions in a group.
Sessions are grouped by the source IP address.
2 - limit the number of sessions in a group.
Sessions are grouped by the destination IP address.

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_default_max_conn

This sysctl variable defines the default maximum number of sessions in a group.

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_default_max_conn <number>


Item Description
number Max. number of sessions in a group

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_filter_mode

The filtering function is used to exclude particular NAT sessions from groups, in other words it’s used to ignore particular sessions when applying session limits.

To find out which sessions should be excluded Bison Router maintains a list of prefixes. If the session’s IP address matches one of the prefixes on the list, the session is ignored. snat_conn_limit_filter_mode variable defines what session’s IP address is used during the matching process.

sysctl set snat_conn_limit_filter_mode <mode>


Item Description
0 - disables the feature
1 - applies filtering by source IP address of a session
2 - applies filtering by destination IP address of a session

snat connection limit filter add

This command adds a prefix to the SNAT sessions limit list.

snat connection limit filter add <ip_address>/<mask>


Item Description
ip_address IPv4 address
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to add the prefix to the SNAT sessions limit list:

snat connection limit filter add

snat connection limit filter del

This command deletes a prefix from the SNAT sessions limit list.

snat connection limit filter del <ip_address>/<mask>


Item Description
ip_address IPv4 address
mask Subnet mask


This example shows how to delete the prefix from the SNAT sessions limit list:

snat connection limit filter del


SNAT44 module supports the following NEL events:

  • Session create and delete events;
  • Port block allocation and de-allocation events;
  • Addresses Exhausted event;
  • Ports Exhausted event;
  • Internal IP address Ports Exhausted event;
  • Maximum Session Entries Exceeded event;
  • Maximum Entries per User Exceeded event;
  • Maximum Active Hosts or Subscribers Exceeded event;

snat map nel sess

This command enables or disables NEL session events for a SNAT44 map.

snat map <map-id> nel sess <state>


Item Description
map-id ID of an SNAT44 map
state 1 - enable; 0 - disable


This example shows how to disable NEL session events for the map with ID 1.

snat map 1 nel sess 0

snat map nel port block

This command enables or disables NEL port block allocation/de-allocation events for a SNAT44 map.

snat map <map-id> nel port block <state>


Item Description
map-id ID of an SNAT44 map
state 1 - enable; 0 - disable


This example shows how to enable NEL port block allocation/de-allocation events for the map with ID 1.

snat map 1 nel port block 1

Addresses Exhausted Event

This event is generated when there are no available translated/public IP addresses in a SNAT MAP pool. Note that each translated IP address can be used at the same time only by a particular number of subscribers which is specified by the ‘ratio’ parameter of snat create map command.

Ports Exhausted Event

This event is generated when there are no available port-block in a port-block pool of a translated IP address.

Internal IP address Ports Exhausted Event

It’s a non-standard NEL event. The event is generated when there are no available ports in any of the port blocks allocated for a subscriber and no more port-blocks can be allocated for that subscriber. The event uses a natEvent ID 200.

Maximum Session Entries Exceeded Event

This event is generated when the configured NAT session limit is reached. The session limit is specified by the ‘nb_sessions’ parameter of the snat create map command.

Maximum Entries per User Exceeded Event

This event is generated when the configured NAT subscriber session limit is reached. Subscriber session limits are specified by the snat connection limit set command or by the sysctl variable ‘snat_conn_limit_default_max_conn’.

Maximum Active Hosts or Subscribers Exceeded Event

This event is generated when the configured NAT limit of the number of internal hosts or subscribers is reached. The limit is specified by the ‘nb_in_entries’ parameter of the snat create map command.

NEL events rate-limiting

BisonRouter limits the transmission rate of the following NEL events using a token-bucket algorithm:

  • Addresses Exhausted event;
  • Ports Exhausted event;
  • Internal IP address Ports Exhausted event;
  • Maximum Session Entries Exceeded event;
  • Maximum Entries per User Exceeded event;
  • Maximum Active Hosts or Subscribers Exceeded event;

Sysctl variables to configure parameters of trasmission of NEL events

  • nel_ratelimit_buckets

It’s an integer sysctl variable with the startup configuration scope. It configures the number of token buckets of the NEL event rate-limit module. Each bucket limits the transmission rate of NEL events mapped to that bucket. Some NEL event types are always mapped to the same bucket depending on a NEL event type value. For example, Maximum Active Hosts or Subscribers Exceeded events always use the same bucket, while Maximum Entries per User Exceeded events use different buckets depending on a particular value of subscriber/user source IP address.

  • nel_ratelimit_msg_rate

It’s an integer sysctl variable with the runtime configuration scope. It configures the number of NEL events per second or the transmission rate of NEL events that are transmitted via the same token-bucket.

  • nel_ratelimit_burst

It’s an integer sysctl variable with the runtime configuration scope. It configures the maximum number of NEL events that can be sent at once.


snat add dnat

This command creates a DNAT rules table for a SNAT map.

snat add dnat map <map_id> size <dnat_map_size>


Item Description
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map
dnat_map_size Max. number of DNAT rules that can be stored in a DNAT table


This example shows how to create and add a DNAT rules table with a max. number of rules 256 to a SNAT map 1:

snat add dnat map 1 size 256

snat del dnat

This command deletes a DNAT rules table from an SNAT map.

snat del dnat map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map to delete a DNAT table from


This example shows how to delete the DNAT rules table from the SNAT map 1:

snat del dnat map 1

snat add dnat rule

This command adds a new DNAT rule.

snat add dnat rule map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> in <addr:port_in> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to create a new DNAT rule in the SNAT map 1 to translate out address and port into internal address and port

snat add dnat rule map 1 out in tcp

snat del dnat rule

This command deletes a DNAT rule.

snat del dnat rule map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a SNAT map to delete a rule from  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to delete a DNAT rule with an out/translated address and port value from the SNAT map 1:

snat del dnat rule map 1 out tcp

sh dnat rules

This command outputs DNAT rules.

sh dnat rules map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a SNAT map to output rules


The response has the following view:

sh dnat rules map 1
out addr:port  int addr:port  proto  tcp  tcp

Deterministic SNAT44

Bison Router Deterministic NAT is an implementation of the Deterministic SNAT44 algorithm described in RFC 7422.

Main Deterministic SNAT features:

  • SNAT44, DNAT44.
  • EIM, Endpoint Independent Mapping.
  • NAT translation session limit per host.
  • Deterministic address and port selection.
  • Hairpinning (NAT loopback).
  • NEL (NAT Event Logging) via IPFIX, Netflow v9.
  • Performance up to 15 Mpps and 120 Gbit/s.
  • ALG support: PPtP, ICMP, traceroute.
  • Supports all the major protocols and applications including SIP, FTP, RTSP, IPSec and GRE based VPNs, and gaming console.


  • Better performance in comparison to other Bison Router NAT implementations.
  • Due to the deterministic nature of the port selection process there is no need to use NEL.


  • The internal IP space should not be sparsely filled with subscribers. Otherwise, it will lead to non-optimal use of memory and out IP space.
  • The ratio of the internal IP space size to the out IP space size should be less or equal to 256, for example in out x.x.x.1/32. Otherwise, the number of the out ports per internal IP/subscriber will be too low for the normal operation.

To activate Deterministic SNAT, you need to perform these steps in the following order:

  1. Create a map (det snat create map).
  2. Enable deterministic SNAT function on a VIF (det snat vif enable).
  3. Add a map to a VIF (det snat add map).

These steps order and corresponding commands are mandatory. The rest are used for additional configuration.


This example shows the order in which the required commands should be executed:

det snat create map 1 in out sess 4096
det snat vif uplink enable
det snat vif uplink add map 1

det snat create map

This command creates a map to translate one IPv4 address space (in) to another IPv4 address space (out). The map consists of records that store data about subscribers’ active connections to internet sites. The record is called a NAT session. The optimal maximum number of NAT sessions for a residential subscriber with 3-4 devices is 4096, which is set up by the sess parameter.

det snat create map <map_id> in <in_prefix/in_prefix_len> out <out_prefix/out_prefix_len> sess <sess_per_host>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to create 0-127
in_prefix Internal IP prefix  
in_prefix_len Internal IP prefix size in_prefix_len < out_prefix_len
out_prefix Out/translation IP prefix  
out_prefix_len Out/translation IP prefix size  
sess_per_host Max. number of sessions per in network’s host A power of 2


When creating a map, keep in mind that there must be at least 256 ports for each internal IP address/host. The recommended value is 512.

The value is calculated using the formula:

ports per in host = 64512 *  out_ip_address_space_size / in_ip_address_space_size,

64512 is a number of ports of one out address
out_ip_address_space_size = 2 ^ (32 - out_prefix_len)
in_ip_address_space_size = 2 ^ (32 - in_prefix_len)

To view the current ports per host value, use the command sh det snat maps. The value will be output among other information about the map.


This example shows how to create a map 1 translating internal addresses to out with a maximum number of sessions per host 1024:

det snat create map 1 in out sess 1024

det snat delete map

This command deletes a translation map.

det snat del map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete


This example shows how to delete the translation map 1:

det snat del map 1

det snat flush sess

This command deletes all translation sessions from a map.

det snat flush sess map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete all translation sessions


This example shows how to delete all translation sessions from the map 1:

det snat flush sess map 1

sh det snat maps

This command outputs information on all translation maps.

sh det snat maps


The response has the following format:

sh det snat maps
SNAT deterministic map
  map id: 2
  internal net: 10.xx.1.0/24
  external net: 10.xx.0.0/29
  size: 524288
  active sessions: 63
  ports per host: 2016
  sessions per host: 2048
  dnat map: none
  state counters:
    unknown: 0
    active: 0
    syn_sent: 0
    established: 62
    fin_wait: 0
    close_wait: 0
    closing: 0
    last_ack: 0
    closed: 0
    icmp_active: 0
    dns: 1
    gre: 0

det snat vif enable

This command enables Deterministic SNAT function on a VIF.

det snat vif <vif_name> enable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to enable the SNAT function


This example shows how to enable the Deterministic SNAT funtion on the VIF v20:

det snat vif v20 enable

det snat vif disable

This command disables Deterministic SNAT function on a VIF.

det snat vif <vif_name> disable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to disable the SNAT function


This example shows how to disable the Determenistic SNAT funtion on the VIF v20:

det snat vif v20 disable

det snat add map

This command adds a map to a VIF. Once a map is added to a VIF and the SNAT function is enabled, the VIF will start performing SNAT translations according to the map’s parameters.

det snat vif <vif_name> add map <map_id>


Up to 8 maps can be added to 1 VIF. If you need to use more than 8 maps on 1 VIF, follow the instruction of the NAT Policy section.


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to add a map
map_id ID of a map to add to a VIF


This example shows how to add the map 1 to the VIF v3:

det snat vif v3 add map 1

det snat del map

This command deletes a map from a VIF.

det snat vif <vif_name> del map <map_id>


This example shows how to delete the map 1 from the VIF v3:

det snat vif v3 del map 1

sh det snat mapping alg in

This command shows out port range reserved for an internal IP address/host. According to the Deterministic NAT algorithm, NAT translations of a particular internal host exclusively use a specific port range allocated once a map has been created and that can not be changed later.

sh det snat mapping alg map <map_id> in <addr_in>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to show a port range
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network to show a port range


The response has the following format:

sh det snat mapping alg map 1 in
in -> out ports 21184 - 23199

sh det snat mapping alg out

This command shows which internal in IP address corresponds to the combination of out IP address and port.

sh det snat mapping alg map <map_id> out <addr_out>:<port>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map
addr_out Translated (out) IPv4 address
port Translated (out) port (L4 port)


The response has the following format:

sh det snat mapping alg map 1 out
out -> in

sh det snat timeout

This command outputs session state’s timeout values.

sh det snat timeout


The response has the following format:

sh det snat timeout
unknown: 30
active: 40
syn_sent: 30
established: 7200
fin_wait: 30
close_wait: 30
closing: 30
last_ack: 30
closed: 30
icmp_active: 30
dns: 4
gre: 7200

det snat timeout

This command sets a timeout for translations with a particular state.

det snat timeout <state> <timeout>


Item Description Value
timeout Timeout value sec
state Name of the translation session state


This example shows how to set timeout 1200 for translations with the state established:

det snat timeout established 1200

det snat close host sessions

This command closes and deletes all translation sessions of a host.

det snat close sess map <map_id> in <addr_in>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map
addr_in IPv4 address of a host from in network to close and delete sessions


This example shows how to close and delete all sessions of the host from the map 1:

det snat close sess map 1 in

det snat close host session in

This command closes and deletes a translation session with a particular internal and external endpoints values.

det snat close sess map <map_id> in <addr:port_in> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session  
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to close and delete the translation session with internal endpoint and external endpoint

det snat close sess map 1 in ext tcp

det snat close host session out

This command closes and deletes a translation session with a particular combination of out address and port and an external endpoint value.

det snat close sess map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to close and delete the translation session with a combination of out address and port and external endpoint

det snat close sess map 1 out ext tcp

det snat show session in

This command outputs a translation session with particular internal and external endpoints values.

sh det snat sess map <map_id> in <addr:port_in> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to output  
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


The response has the following format:

sh det snat sess map 1 in ext xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp
in addr:port  out addr:port  ext addr:port  state  expire in secs  xx.xx.xx.95:443  tcp_established  1637

det snat show session out

This command outputs a translation session with a particular combination of out address and port and a particular external endpoint value.

sh det snat sess map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> ext <addr:port_ext> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port  
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


The response has the following format:

sh det snat sess map 1 out ext xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp
in addr:port  out addr:port  ext addr:port  state  expire in secs  xx.xx.xx.95:443  tcp_established  1637

sh det snat sessions map

This command outputs translation sessions of a host.

sh det snat sessions map <map_id> [in <addr_in>]


in <addr_in> is optional. If it is omitted, the command outputs all sessions of the table.


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to output sessions
addr_in Internal IPv4 address of a host


The response has the following format:

sh det snat sessions map 1 in | head
in addr:port      out addr:port   ext addr:port   state   expire in secs        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 1637        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 1652        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2631        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2631        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2657        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2657        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2669        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2669        xx.xx.xx.95:443 tcp_established 2773

sh det snat sessions <addr_in>

This is a variant of the previous command without a specified map ID. It outputs all sessions for a host with internal ip address <addr_in>. The map will be found automatically.

sh det snat sessions in <addr_in>


Item Description
addr_in Internal IPv4 address of a host


det_nat_sess_bucket_size is in integer sysctl variable which determines the bucket size of the session hash table.

To improve performance of the NAT session lookup process, the subscriber session table is organized as a hash table. NAT sessions are placed into a table in a special order based on a hash value of the session. The hash value is calculated based on the session external address and external port. All sessions with the same hash value are stored in the same bucket. Using buckets increases the lookup performance because the lookup operation has to scan only a limited bucket area (for example 200 slots) instead of scanning the entire hash table to find a NAT session.


sysctl get det_nat_sess_bucket_size

det snat map add to prefix map

This command adds map’s internal and external prefixes to a prefix map.


The command is used in combination with NAT policy.

det snat map <map_id> add to prefix map <prefix_map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a NAT map to add prefixes to a prefix map
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to add prefixes from a NAT map


This example shows how to add the prefixes from the NAT map 1 to the prefix map 10:

det snat map 1 add to prefix map 10

det snat map del from prefix map

This command deletes map’s internal and external prefixes from a prefix map.


The command is used in combination with NAT policy.

det snat map <map_id> del from prefix map <prefix_map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a NAT map to delete prefixes from a prefix map
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to delete NAT map prefixes


This example shows how to delete the prefixes of the NAT map 1 from the prefix map 10:

det snat map 1 del from prefix map 10

Enabling debug statistic counters

This sysctl variable enables collecting debug statistic for no-free-ports and session-overflow events.

sysctl set det_snat_debug_stat 1

The no-free-ports counter is increased when a subscriber is trying to establish a new connection but there are no out ports available in the out port range reserved for the subscriber. In practice this happens when a subscriber is trying to establish a lot of connections with the same internet site. To find out the number of out ports available for a subscriber see ports per host line in the output of the sh det snat maps command.

The session-overflow counter is increased when a subscriber is trying to establish a new connection but there are no available slots in the session table reserved for the subscriber. The size of the session table is configured by the sess parameter of the det snat create map command. Note that the session table can not be used 100% due to the nature of the hash table algorithm controlling the way sessions are placed into the table. The typical usage value is about 80-90%, which means that the effective size of the session table is only 80-90% of the nominal size.

sh det snat debug stat

This command outputs debug statistic counters of the Deterministic NAT module.

sh det snat debug stat


The response has the following format:

sh det snat debug stat
ip      no_free_ports   sess_overflows

sh det snat debug stat ipv4

This command outputs debug statistic counters for an IPv4 address.

sh det snat debug stat <ipv4_address>


Item Description
ipv4_address IPv4 address to output a debug statistic


The response has the following format:

sh det snat debug stat
ip      no_free_ports   sess_overflows

det snat debug stat clear

This command clears debug statistic counters.

det snat debug stat clear

Deterministic DNAT44

det snat add dnat

This command creates a DNAT rules table for a SNAT map.

det snat add dnat map <map_id> size <dnat_map_size>


Item Description
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map
dnat_map_size Max. number of DNAT rules that can be stored in a DNAT table


The size of the DNAT table is output by the sh det snat maps command in the line dnat map: size.


This example shows how to create and add a DNAT rules table with a max. number of rules 256 to a SNAT map 1:

det snat add dnat map 1 size 256

det snat del dnat

This command deletes a DNAT rules table from an SNAT map.

det snat del dnat map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map to delete a DNAT table from


This example shows how to delete the DNAT rules table from the SNAT map 1:

det snat del dnat map 1

det snat add dnat rule

This command adds a new DNAT rule.


This command (within the Deterministic DNAT44 framework) has limitations on the value of the out port. When creating a DNAT rule, you have to use an out port number from the port range reserved for the internal IP address used in the rule.
To find out that range, use sh det snat mapping alg in command.
det snat add dnat rule map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> in <addr:port_in> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of an existing SNAT map  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


To add a rule for the internal address, first of all it is necessary to find out the valid range of values of the out port using the command sh det snat mapping alg:

sh det snat mapping alg map 1 in
in -> out ports 23200 - 25215

In the example above, we can see the range of ports 23200 - 25215 from which we can select a value for the rule. Taking it into consideration, the following example shows how to create a new DNAT rule in the SNAT map 1 to translate out address and port into internal address and port

det snat add dnat rule map 1 out in tcp

det snat del dnat rule

This command deletes a DNAT rule.

det snat del dnat rule map <map_id> out <addr:port_out> <ip_proto>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a SNAT map to delete a rule from  
addr:port_out Translated/out IPv4 address and port of the translation  
ip_proto Name of IPv4 protocol


This example shows how to delete a DNAT rule with an out/translated address and port value from the SNAT map 1:

det snat del dnat rule map 1 out tcp

sh det dnat rules

This command outputs DNAT rules.

sh det dnat rules map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a SNAT map to output the rule


The response has the following view:

sh det dnat rules map 1
out addr:port  int addr:port  proto  tcp  tcp

NAT44 1:1

NAT44 1:1 is used to assign to a subscriber his own unique IP address so that an ingress connection to the subscriber can be initiated by an Internet host.

To activate NAT44 1:1, you need to perform these steps in the following order:

  1. Create a map (nat11 create map).
  2. Enable NAT44 1:1 function on a VIF (nat11 vif enable).
  3. Add a map to a VIF (nat11 add map).

These step’s order and corresponding commands are mandatory. The rest are used for additional configuration.


This example shows the order in which the required commands should be executed:

nat11 create map 1 in size 1024 sess 4096
nat11 vif v20 enable
nat11 vif v20 add map 1

nat11 create map

This command creates a map to translate one set of IPv4 addresses into another using 1:1 relations.

nat11 create map <map_id> in <addr_in>/<mask> size <map_size> sess <sess_per_host>


Item Description Value
map_id ID of a NAT44 1:1 map to create  
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network  
mask Subnet mask  
map_size Max. number of 1:1 translation rules  
sess_per_host Max. number of sessions per in network’s host A power of 2


The optimal maximum number of NAT sessions for a residential subscriber with 3-4 devices is 4096, which is set up by the sess parameter.


This example shows how to create a map 1 translating internal addresses with a maximum number of sessions per host 4096:

nat11 create map 1 in size 1024 sess 4096

nat11 delete map

This command deletes a translation map.

nat11 del map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a NAT44 1:1 map to delete


This example shows how to delete the translation map 1:

nat11 del map 1

nat11 vif enable

This command enables the NAT44 1:1 function on a VIF.

nat11 vif <vif_name> enable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to enable the NAT44 1:1 function


This example shows how to enable the NAT44 1:1 on the VIF v20:

nat11 vif v20 enable

nat11 vif disable

This command disables the NAT44 1:1 function on a VIF.

nat11 vif <vif_name> enable


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to disable the NAT44 1:1 function


This example shows how to disable the NAT44 1:1 on the VIF v20:

nat11 vif v20 disable

nat11 add map

This command adds a map to a VIF. Once a map is added to a VIF and NAT44 1:1 function is enabled, the VIF will start performing NAT44 1:1 translations according to the map’s parameters.

nat11 vif <vif_name> add map <map_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to add a translation map
map_id ID of a map to add to a VIF


This example shows how to add the NAT44 1:1 map 1 to the VIF v20:

nat11 vif v20 add map 1

nat11 del map

This command deletes a translation map from a VIF.

nat11 vif <vif_name> del map <map_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete a translation map
map_id ID of a map to delete from a VIF


This example shows how to delete the NAT44 1:1 map 1 from the VIF v20:

nat11 vif v20 del map 1

nat11 add translation rule

This command adds a NAT 1:1 translation rule to a map.

nat11 rule add map <map_id> <addr_in> <addr_out>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to add a rule
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network
addr_out Translation (out) IPv4 address


This example shows how to add a rule translating the in IP address to the out IP address to the map 1:

nat11 rule add map 1

nat11 del translation rule

This command deletes a NAT44 1:1 translation rule from a map.

nat11 rule del map <map_id> <addr_in>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to delete a rule
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network to delete a rule


This example shows how to delete the translation rule for the in IP address from the map 1:

nat11 rule del map 1

nat11 close host session in

This command closes and deletes a NAT session with a particular internal and external endpoints values.

nat11 close sess map <map_id> in <addr:port_in> ext <addr:port_ext>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to close and delete a session
addr:port_in IPv4 address and port of the internal endpoint of the translation
addr:port_ext IPv4 address and port of the external endpoint of the translation


This example shows how to close and delete the NAT session with internal endpoint and external endpoint

nat11 close sess map 1 in ext

sh nat11 maps

This command outputs information on all translation maps.

sh nat11 maps


The response has the following format:

sh nat11 maps
NAT11 map
  map id: 1
  internal net:
  size: 1024
  active sessions: 1
  sessions per host: 4096
  state counters:
    unknown: 0
    active: 0
    syn_sent: 0
    established: 0
    fin_wait: 0
    close_wait: 0
    closing: 0
    last_ack: 0
    closed: 0
    icmp_active: 1
    dns: 0
    gre: 0

show nat11 translation rules

This command outputs NAT44 1:1 rules.

sh nat11 rules map <map_id>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to output NAT44 1:1 rules


The response has the following format:

sh nat11 rules map 1
internal addr  translated addr

sh nat11 sessions

This command outputs translation sessions of a host.

sh nat11 sessions map <map_id> in <addr_in>


Item Description
map_id ID of a map to output sessions
addr_in IPv4 address of host from in network


The response has the following format:

sh nat11 sessions map 1 in
in addr:port  out addr:port  ext addr:port  state  expire in secs  icmp  icmp_active  28

NAT Policy

NAT Policy functions allow using different NAT maps for different packets. The decision on which map to use to translate a particular packet is based on packet data and is made using various packet classification tools such as prefix map, IP set, etc.

A NAT policy is a sorted list of policy rules. The rules are processed in the order of their position in the list until the first match is found. The rule matches the packet if the packet data meets the criteria specified in the rule. As matching criteria, the rule can use one of the classification tools. Once a match is found, packet is translated by a NAT map defined by the matching rule.

The general procedure for activating the NAT policy is as follows:

  1. Create a NAT policy (nat policy add).
  2. Add NAT policy rules. There are 3 types of rules configuration:
  1. Add a NAT policy to a VIF (nat policy vif add).

In particular, in practice, it may be appropriate to use NAT policy rules based on the Prefix map classification. The Prefix map classification algorithm is based on the LPM (Longest Prefix Match) algorithm, therefore such a rule allows to translate more specific internal IP subnets using a different NAT map. Such a need may arise when one of the out/public IP addresses of a NAT map should be excluded from operation due to various reasons such as ban.


Consider a scenario where there is a Deterministic SNAT map 10 that translates the internal prefix into the out prefix To exclude the out (public) IP address from operation:

  1. Create a second Deterministic SNAT map 20 with the internal prefix equal to the first map’s internal prefix matching the excluded translated IP
  2. Create a prefix map.
  3. Add both SNAT maps internal and out prefixes to the created prefix map with values equal to the corresponding NAT map ID.
  4. Create a NAT policy rule based on the created prefix map.

As a result the banned out/public IP will be excluded and the affected internal IP addresses will be translated using the public IP

det snat create map 10 in out sess 4096
det snat create map 20 in out sess 4096
prefix map create 1
det snat map 10 add to prefix map 1
det snat map 20 add to prefix map 1
nat policy add 1
nat policy rule add 1 pos 10 from prefix map 1 map snat44

sh nat policy

This command outputs NAT policy rules.

sn nat policy


The response has the following format:

sh nat policy
nat policy id 1:
nat policy rules:
10: from prefix map 2 -> nat map snat44
100: from ipset nat_ipset -> nat map snat1to1:10

nat policy add

This command creates a new NAT policy.

nat policy add <policy_id>


Item Description
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to create


This example shows how to create a NAT policy with the ID number 1:

nat policy add 1

nat policy del

This command deletes a NAT policy.

nat policy del <policy_id>


Item Description
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to delete


This example shows how to delete a NAT policy with the ID number 1:

nat policy del 1

nat policy prefix rule add

This command adds a new rule to a NAT policy. This rule uses a prefix to match packet’s IP address.

nat policy rule add <policy_id> pos <number> from prefix <prefix>/<mask> map <nat_map_type> <nat_map_id>


Item Description Value
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add a rule  
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules  
prefix IPv4 prefix to add  
mask Subnet mask  
nat_map_type NAT map type
nat_map_id ID of a NAT map to use  


This example shows how to add a rule with the position number 10 to the NAT policy 1, for the prefix to apply the SNAT44 map 2:

nat policy rule add 1 pos 10 from prefix map snat44 2

nat policy add no-nat prefix rule

This command adds a new rule to a NAT policy. This kind of rule instructs BisonRouter not to use NAT for packets that match the rule’s conditions. This rule uses a prefix to match the packet’s IP address. I.e. the rule configures BisonRouter not to use NAT for egress packets destinated to the rule’s prefix as well as ingress packets originated from the same prefix.

nat policy rule add <policy_id> pos <number> to prefix <prefix>/<mask> no nat


Item Description Value
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add a rule  
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules  
prefix IPv4 prefix  
mask Subnet mask  


This example shows how to add a rule with the position number 6 to the NAT policy 1. The rule configures BisonRouter not to use NAT for egress packets destinated to a prefix as well as ingress packets originated from the same prefix:

nat policy rule add 1 pos 6 to prefix no nat

nat policy add prefix map rule

This command adds a rule to a NAT policy. This rule uses a Prefix map classification to determine what NAT map to be used. First, Bison Router uses a prefix map to look up for the prefix matching the IP address of the packet. Then the prefix map value associated with the found prefix is used as the NAT map ID to translate the packet.

nat policy rule add <policy_id> pos <number> from prefix map <prefix_map_id> map <nat_map_type> [<nat_map_id>]


Item Description Value
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add a rule  
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules  
prefix_map_id ID of an existing prefix map to add to a rule  
nat_map_type NAT map type
ID of a NAT map to use (Optional. When the nat_map_id value is omitted,
the prefix map values are used as NAT map ID)


This example shows how to add a rule with the position number 20 to the NAT policy 1. The rule uses the prefix map 1 to find out what Deterministic SNAT44 map should be used. More specifically, Bison Router uses the value associated with the found prefix as the NAT map ID.

nat policy rule add 1 pos 20 from prefix map 1 map snat44

nat policy add no-nat prefix map rule

This command adds a rule to a NAT policy. This rule configures BisonRouter not to use NAT for packets that match the rule’s condition. The rule uses the Prefix map classification as a condition to select packets to process. I.e. the rule configures BisonRouter not to use NAT for the egress packets desitinated to any prefix from the rule’s prefix map, as well as ingress packets originated from any prefix from the rule’s prefix map.

nat policy rule add <policy_id> pos <number> to prefix map <prefix_map_id> no nat


Item Description Value
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add a rule  
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules  
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to add to a rule  


This example shows how to add a rule with the position number 5 to the NAT policy 1. The rule uses the prefix map 1 to select packets that should not be NATed, i.e. the rule configures BisonRouter not to use NAT for the egress packets desitinated to any prefix from the prefix map 1, as well as ingress packets originated from any prefix from the prefix map 1.

nat policy rule add 1 pos 5 to prefix map 1 no nat

nat policy ipset rule add

This command adds a new rule to a NAT policy. This rule uses an IP set to match packet’s IP address.

nat policy rule add <policy_id> pos <number> from ipset <ipset_name> map <nat_map_type> <nat_map_id>


Item Description Value
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add a rule  
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules  
ipset_name Name of an existing IP set to add to a rule  
nat_map_type NAT map type
nat_map_id ID of a NAT map to use  


This example shows how to add a rule with the position number 100 to the NAT policy 1, for the IP set nat_ipset to apply the SNAT 1-to-1 map with the ID number 10:

nat policy rule add 1 pos 100 from ipset nat_ipset map snat1to1 10

nat policy rule del

This command deletes a rule from a NAT policy.

nat policy rule del <policy_id> pos <number>


Item Description
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to delete a rule
number Position number (priority) in the list of rules


This example shows how to delete the rule with the position number 10 from the NAT policy 1:

nat policy rule add 1 pos 10

nat policy vif add

This command adds a NAT policy to a VIF.

nat policy add vif <vif_name> <policy_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to add a NAT policy
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to add to a VIF


This example shows how to add the NAT policy 1 to the VIF v3:

nat policy add vif v3 1

nat policy vif del

This command deletes a NAT policy from a VIF.

nat policy del vif <vif_name> <policy_id>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete a NAT policy
policy_id ID of a NAT policy to remove from a VIF


This example shows how to delete the NAT policy 1 from the VIF v3:

nat policy del vif v3 1

NAT events logging - NEL

Enabling NEL

The NEL function is enabled by sysctl variable nat_events.

Variable name
Enables the NEL function

1 = on
0 = off


This example shows how to enable the NEL function:

sysctl set nat_events 1

nel collector add

This command adds a NEL collector to the list of NEL collectors to send events to. NAT events are sent to all collectors on the list at the same time.

nel collector add addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>] [events event_type[, ...]]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a NEL collector  
port_number Port number of a NEL collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
100 - syslog
Default = 9
A comma separated list of type of events
to send to a collector. Optional. When omitted
all events are sent to a collector.
Event types:
“pb” - NAT port-block events
“nat_sess” - NAT session events
“others” - all other NAT events


This example shows how to add a NEL collector with IP address and port number 9995.

nel collector add addr port 9995 proto 9 events pb,nat_sess

nel collector del

This command deletes a NEL collector from the list of NEL collectors to send events to. NAT events are sent to all collectors on the list at the same time.

nel collector del addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a NEL collector  
port_number Port number of a NEL collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
100 - syslog
Default = 9


This example shows how to delete a NEL collector with IP address and port number 9995.

nel collector del addr port 9995 proto 9

sh nel

This command outputs the NEL configuration.

sh nel


# sh nel
NEL enabled: yes
NEL collectors:
addr      port    proto       9995    9       9995    9

export filters:
      src filter enabled: 0
      src filter prefix map id: -
      dst filter enabled: 0
      dst filter prefix map id: -

nel collector addr

This command configures NEL collector address and port.

nel collector addr <ipv4_address> [port <port_number>] [proto <proto_value>] [events event_type[, ...]]


Item Description Value
ipv4_address IPv4 address of a NEL collector  
port_number Port number of a NEL collector Default = 4739
Supported protocols:
9 - NetFlow V9
10 - IPFIX
100 - syslog
Default = 9
A comma separated list of type of events
to send to a collector. Optional. When omitted
all events are sent to a collector.
Event types:
“pb” - NAT port-block events
“nat_sess” - NAT session events
“others” - all other NAT events


This example shows how to set IP address, 9995 port number and NetFlow V9 protocol for the NEL collector.

nel collector addr port 9995 proto 9 events pb,nat_sess


NAT hairpinning, also known as NAT loopback, is a feature enabling two hosts behind the same BisonRouter NAT map to communicate to each other using a NAT public IPv4 address and without sending traffic to any BisonRouter uplink ports.

To enable or disable NAT loopback for SNAT44 use the following commands

# enable loopback
snat loopback enable map <map-id>
# disable loopback
snat loopback disable map <map-id>

To enable or disable NAT loopback for Deterministic SNAT44 use the following commands

# enable loopback
det snat loopback enable map <map-id>
# disable loopback
det snat loopback disable map <map-id>

Implementation details

To impelement NAT loopback feature BisonRouter perform the follwings steps for each NAT map:

  • creates a Loopback VIF for a NAT map with enabled loopback feature;
  • assigns an IPv4 address to the map’s loopback VIF and create a static ARP recored for that IP adress;
  • routes map’s public/translated IPv4 addresses to the map’s loopback VIF;

Those steps ensure that egress packets destinated to map’s public IPv4 address will not be sent to an uplink router but instead will be immediately routed back to BR and handled as any other incoming traffic.


# rcli snat loopback enable map 1

# rcli sh vif

vif loopback_nat3_map1
id 1194
port 8, vlan 0.101, encapsulation dot1q
mac address 00:00:00:00:00:01
vrf main
shaper ingress not set
      egress not set
ACL ingress not set
      egress not set
flags NAT
mtu 9000
IPv6 state is disabled
IPv6 ND RA state is not advertising

# rcli sh arp cache

port      vid     ip      mac     type    state
8 0.101       00:00:00:00:00:01       static  ok

# rcli sh ip route | grep loopback via dev loopback_nat3_map1 src proto internal via dev loopback_nat3_map1 src proto internal via dev loopback_nat3_map1 src proto internal

# rcli sh snat maps
SNAT map
map id: 1
internal prefixes:, usage 0/256, %0, usage 0/256, %0
out ranges: -, port-block usage 0/4032, %0 -, port-block usage 0/4032, %0 -, port-block usage 0/4032, %0

NAT High availability


A high-availability SNAT44 module enables the creation of a 2-node/server cluster that performs Network Address Translation (NAT) functions. The cluster operates in a Master-Backup mode, where one node runs as the Master and performs the SNAT44 functions, while the other node runs in Backup mode. The node in Backup mode does not process traffic or perform NAT; its sole job is to mirror the Master’s SNAT44 session database and be ready to take over as the new Master if the Master node fails.

Currently high-availability mode is only supported with SNAT44 maps.

Master Election process

In a situation where there are no designated Backup or Master nodes, such as when both nodes are starting a SNAT44 HA cluster for the first time and have not yet decided their roles, an initial election process takes place. The node with the higher priority wins the initial election process. The priority of a node is an administratively assigned value.

In a situation where only one node is currently running and performing the Master role, and the second node has just been powered on or configured to run in HA mode, the current Master retains its role even if its priority is lower than that of the second node. In this case, the second node always becomes the Backup node.

Swithing the Master role

It is possible to switch the roles of nodes in a running cluster using an RCLI command. To do this, an administrator should run the command ‘snat ha group <id> transfer master’ on the Backup node. After executing this command, the Backup node will become the new Master node, and the old Master node will become the new Backup node.

When a Master node becomes a Backup node it first resets the NAT map, deletes all existings NAT sessions and starts replicating the new Master’s NAT session database. A replication process takes some time to complete.

SNAT44 session database synchronization

Whenever the Master node creates a new NAT TCP session in the ‘established’ state or a UDP session in the ‘active’ state, it sends an update message to the Backup node. The Backup node listens for these update messages and updates its NAT session database accordingly, creating identical NAT sessions. The expiration time of the Backup NAT sessions is ignored. A Backup NAT session can only be deleted either manually or when the corresponding Master session is deleted.


The HA module takes control of the ARP protocol for the IP addresses associated with an HA group. Only the Master node responds to ARP requests, while Backup nodes ignore ARP requests for HA group IP addresses.

Upon becoming the Master, a node sends gratuitous ARP replies for the IP addresses of the HA group. By default, BisonRouter uses virtual MAC addresses for the nodes’ IP addresses. However, some hardware does not support adding additional MAC addresses. To accommodate this, the behavior can be disabled using the sysctl variable ‘vrrp_dont_use_virtual_mac_for_arp’. A virtual MAC address is based solely on the HA group ID and is identical on both cluster nodes.

sysctl set vrrp_dont_use_virtual_mac_for_arp 0

When this feature is disabled, BisonRouter uses the NIC’s original MAC address with the HA group IP addresses.

NAT operations

Only the Master node performs NAT operations on the traffic. The Backup node is transparent from a NAT perspective.

Configuration examples

Master node

# HA

# create a p-t-p link to the other HA node
vif add name ha_link port 2 type untagged
ip addr add dev ha_link

# disable usage of virtual MAC addresses
sysctl set vrrp_dont_use_virtual_mac_for_arp 1

# configure the HA module to use VIF 'ha_link' as a virutual vlan link to
# communicate with the neighbour HA node
snat ha init dev ha_link

# create a HA group with ID 10
snat ha create group 10 prio 100 neighbor map 1
# add an existing IP address to the group
# note: the IP address should be already created
snat ha group 10 add ip
# start the HA group
snat ha group 10 enable

Backup node

# HA

# create a p-t-p link to the other HA node
vif add name ha_link port 2 type untagged
ip addr add dev ha_link

# disable usage of virtual MAC addresses
sysctl set vrrp_dont_use_virtual_mac_for_arp 1

# configure the HA module to use VIF 'ha_link' as a virutual vlan link to
# communicate with the neighbour HA node
snat ha init dev ha_link

# create a HA group with ID 10
snat ha create group 10 prio 50 neighbor map 1
# add an existing IP address to the group
# note: the IP address should be already created
snat ha group 10 add ip
# start the HA group
snat ha group 10 enable

Status of HA groups

rcli sh snat ha groups
group id: 10
      snat44 map id: 1
      state: master
      prio: 100
      sync list size: 0
      unsync list size: 0
      backup list size: 0
      neighbor ip:
      neighbor prio: 50
      neighbor state: backup
      source ip:
      max entries: 3000000
      IP addresses:
      pkt counters:
      rx: 0
      tx: 21
      restransmits: 0
      ack rx: 27
      ack tx: 0
      nack rx: 0
      nack tx: 0
      error counters:
      sess add failures: 0
      sess del failures: 0
      db add failures: 0
      db del failures: 0

high-availability commands

snat ha init

This command initializes the SNAT High availability module.

snat ha init dev <vif_name>


Item Description Value
Name of an existing Virtual Interface (VIF) to use for communicating
with the group’s neighbor node.


snat ha init dev ha_link

snat ha create group

This command creates a SNAT high-availability group. The group consists of two server nodes (neighbors) communicating with each other.

snat ha create group <group_id> prio <prio> neighbor <ip_addr> map <snat44_map_id>


Item Description Value
group_id ID of a high-availability group. Numeric value.  
prio Group’s priority.  
ip_addr IP address of the neighbor node.  
snat44_map_id ID of SNAT44 map to controll by the group.  


snat ha create group 10 prio 100 neighbor map 1

snat ha destroy group

This command destroys a SNAT high-availability group.

snat ha destroy group <group_id>


Item Description Value
group_id ID of a high-availability group.  


snat ha destroy group 10

snat ha add/del ip

This command adds or deletes an IP address to/from a group. ARP behavior of addresses added to the group is controlled by group and depends on the group’s state.

snat ha group <group_id> add ip <ip_addr>
snat ha group <group_id> del ip <ip_addr>


Item Description Value
group_id ID of a high-availability group.  
ip_addr An existing IP address assigned to a VIF to be controlled by the group.  


snat ha group 10 add ip
snat ha group 10 del ip

snat ha group enable/disable

This command enables or disables a SNAT high-availability group.

snat ha group <group_id> enable|disable


Item Description Value
group_id ID of a high-availability group.  


snat ha group 10 enable

snat ha group transfer master

This command starts a master trasfer procedure. The command is supposed to be run at a backup node in order the node to become a new master and take control over IP addresses added to the group and SNATT44 map associated with the group.

snat ha group <group_id> transfer master


Item Description Value
group_id ID of a high-availability group.  


snat ha group 10 transfer master


This section is dedicated to the operation of Bison Router within the RADIUS protocol described in RFS 2865.


radius_client create

This command creates a new RADIUS client.

radius_client create <client_id>


Item Description
client_id ID number of a client to create


The RADIUS client with the ID number 0 is created by default. It will be used by default in other commands of the section if the ID is omitted.


This example shows how to create a RADIUS client with the ID number 1:

radius_client create 1

radius_client add server

This command adds a RADIUS server to the list of servers. RADIUS requests will be sent to servers a the round-robin way.


The maximum number of servers in the list is 8. The default port number is 1812.

radius_client [<client_id>] add server <ip_address> [port <port>] [secret <"secret">]


Item Description
ID number of a client to add a server. Optional, if omitted,
the default client is used.
ip_address Server IP address
port Server port number. Optional, if omitted, the default number is used.
secret RADIUS shared secret. Optional, if omitted, the radius client secret is used.


This example shows how to add a server with the IP address and the port number 1612 to the default RADIUS client server list:

radius_client add server port 1612

radius_client del server

This command deletes a RADIUS server from the list of servers.

radius_client [<client_id>] del server <ip_address> [port <port>]


Item Description
ID number of a client to delete a server. Optional, if omitted,
the default client is used.
ip_address Server IP address
port Server port number. Optional, if omitted, the default number is used.


This example shows how to delete a server with the IP address and the port number 1612 from the default RADIUS client server list:

radius_client del server port 1612

radius_client add src ip

This command adds an IP address to the list of source IP addresses that will be used by Bison Router RADIUS client to send RADIUS requests. A source IP address must be assigned to a VIF.

radius_client [<client_id>] add src ip <ip_address>


Item Description
ID number of a client add a source IP address. Optional, if omitted,
the default client is used.
ip_address Source IP address


This example shows how to add a source IP address to the list of source IP addresses of the default client:

radius_client add src ip

radius_client set secret

This command sets a RADIUS client’s shared secret.

radius_client [client_id] set secret "<secret>"


Item Description Value
ID number of a client to set a secret. Optional, if omitted,
the default client is used.
secret RADIUS shared secret
256 bytes max.,
case sensitive


This example shows how to set a shared secret 1234abcd for the default client:

radius_client set secret "1234abcd"

coa server set secret

This command sets a RADIUS CoA server’s shared secret.

coa server set secret "<secret>"


Item Description Value
secret RADIUS shared secret
256 bytes max.,
case sensitive


This example shows how to set the CoA server’s shared secret abcd1234:

coa server set secret "abcd1234"

sh radius client

This command outputs RADIUS clients settings.

sh radius client


The response has the following format:

sh radius client
radius client 0
src ip addresses:
auth secret: xxx
auth servers:
ip port 1812, dead: no, secret:
accounting secret: xxx
accounting servers:
ip port 1813, dead: no, secret:

radius client 1
src ip addresses:
auth secret: undefined
auth servers:
ip port 1812, dead: no, secret: xxx
accounting secret: undefined
accounting servers:
ip port 1813, dead: no, secret: xxx

RADIUS Accounting

radius_client set secret

This command sets a RADIUS accounting client’s shared secret.

radius_client set accounting secret "<secret>"


Item Description Value
secret RADIUS shared secret
256 bytes max.,
case sensitive


This example shows how to set the RADIUS accounting client’s shared secret 1234abcd:

radius_client set accounting secret "1234abcd"

radius_client add accounting server

This command adds a new RADIUS accounting server to the list of servers. RADIUS requests will be sent to servers in a round-robin way. Maximum number of servers in the list is 8. Default port number is 1813.

radius_client add accounting server <ip_address> [port <port>] [secret <"secret">]


Item Description
ID number of a client to add an accounting server. Optional, if omitted,
the default client is used.
ip_address Accounting server IP address
port Accounting server port number. Optional, if omitted, the default number is used.
secret RADIUS shared secret. Optional, if omitted, the radius client secret is used.


This command shows how to add the accounting server with the IP address and the port number 1813:

radius_client add accounting server port 1813

Radius sysctl variables

Variable name
Initial RADIUS retransmit
Default = 500
Min = 200
Max = UINT16_MAX
Number of RADIUS
Default = 3
Min = 1
Max = 16

Radius accounting sysctl variables

Variable name
Globally enables/disables
the RADIUS accounting
Default = off
1 - on
0 - off


the vif_stat sysctl variable should be set to 1, otherwise accounting request’s packets and bytes counters will contain zero values.

Enables/disables RADIUS
accounting interim requests
Default = off
1 - on
0 - off
Sets the interval for sending
interim requests
Default = 60
Min = 5
Max = UINT16_MAX

Bison Router VSA

RADIUS Attribute Dictionary for FreeRADIUS:

VENDOR       TheRouter     12345
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_ingress_cir 1 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_engress_cir 2 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_addr 3 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_mask 4 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_outer_vid 5 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_inner_vid 6 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_ip_unnumbered 7 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_port_id 8 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_ipv4_gw 9 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_pbr 10 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_install_subsc_route 17 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_ttl 18 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_static_arp 19 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_proxy_arp 20 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_rp_filter 21 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_shaper_ingress_params 23 string
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_shaper_egress_params 24 string
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_addr_prefix_map_id 25 integer
    ATTRIBUTE therouter_subsc_addr_prefix_map_value 26 integer
END-VENDOR   TheRouter


Ingress CIR (committed information rate) - kbit/s.
It’s used to limit the bandwidth available for any type of subscribers. Ingress direction means the direction from the subscriber to the Bison Router interface.


Egress CIR (committed information rate) - kbit/s.
It’s used to limit the bandwidth available for any type of subscribers. Egress direction means the direction from Bison router to the subscriber.


Subscriber’s session time to live - sec.


The value 1 of this attribute instructs Bison Router to add the subscriber IPv4 address /32 prefix into the main routing table.


The value 1 of this attribute instructs Bison Router to set a static ARP record for a L2 subscriber.


The value 1 of this attribute instructs Bison Router to enable the Proxy ARP on dynamic VIFs (VLAN per subscriber).


To enable the Proxy ARP for L2 subscribers, the proxy_arp flag should be used in the vif add command while creating a VIF, or in the vif flags after its creation.


The value 1 of this attribute instructs Bison Router to enable the Reverse Path Filter on dynamic VIFs (VLAN per subscriber).


To enable the Reverse Path Filter for L2 subscribers, the rpf flag should be used in the vif add command while creating a VIF, or in the vif flags after its creation.



The following description is relevant for both therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params attributes.

These attributes contain a string with the parameters for subscriber’s ingress/egress QoS discipline. The string format depends on the type of QoS discipline, but must always start with an integer indicating the QoS type.

Value QoS type
General policer. The default QoS type, no need to use
therouter_shaper_ingress_params or therouter_shaper_egress_params.
Use therouter_ingress_cir and therouter_egress_cir attributes for its
Multi-policer. The multi-policer applies different bandwidth limits depending on
the packet src/dst IP address. QoS of this type is configured using
therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params attributes
4 DPDK QoS scheduler
6 DSCP policer


The format of therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params attribute values for the multi-policer is as follows:



Item Description
nb_policers Number of policers
limit1 Bandwidth limit of policer 1
limit2 Bandwidth limit of policer 2. Optional.
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to classify a packet and to select a policer
Prefix map’s mode of operation:
0 - use packet’s src IP address to find a match
1 - use packet’s dst IP address to find a match

DPDK QoS Scheduler

The value 4 of the attributes therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params is DPDK based QoS discipline.

The format of therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params attribute values for this QoS is as follows:



Item Description
nb_ports Number of QoS scheduler ports/pipes to allocate for a subscriber
port1 QoS scheduler port number for traffic direction #1
profile1 Profile ID for port1
prefix_map_id ID of a prefix map to classify a packet
Prefix map’s mode of operation:
0 - use packet’s src IP address to find a match
1 - use packet’s dst IP address to find a match

DSCP policer

DSCP policer is a type of of QoS discipline used to apply different traffic policer depending on IP packet’s DSCP field value. A DSCP policer may consist of several sub policers (simple policers). Decision on which sub policer to use with a packet is made based on the packet’s IP DSCP value and on a DSCP map. The DSCP map translates DSCP values into sub policer numbers. DSCP policers can only be created for subscriber interfaces.

The format of therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params attribute values for the DSCP policer is as follows:



Item Description
nb_policers Number of policers
limit1 Bandwidth limit of policer 1
limit2 Bandwidth limit of policer 2


This attribute instructs BisonRouter to add subscriber’s IPv4 address to the prefix map with the given ID upon subscriber connection and to delete subscriber’s IPv4 address from the prefix map after the subscriber has been disconnected.


Defines a value associated with the subscriber’s IPv4 address added to a prefix map. See the description of the therouter_subsc_addr_prefix_map_id attribute.

IP pools

IPv4 pools

ip pool add

This command adds a new IPv4 pool.

ip pool add <ip_pool_name>


Item Description Value
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to create
Must start with a letter.
Max. pool name length is 16 characters.


This example shows how to create a new IPv4 pool named pool2:

ip pool add pool2

ip pool del

This command deletes an IPv4 pool.

ip pool del <ip_pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete


This example shows how to delete the IPv4 pool named pool2:

ip pool del pool2

ip pool add range

This command adds an IP address range to a pool.

ip pool add range <ip_pool_name> <ip_addr_from> - <ip_addr_to>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add an IP address range
ip_addr_from The first IPv4 address of the range
ip_addr_to The last IPv4 address of the range


This example shows how to add the IP range to the IP pool pool2:

ip pool add range pool2 -

ip pool del range

This command deletes an IP address range from a pool.

ip pool del range <ip_pool_name> <ip_addr_from> - <ip_addr_to>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete an IP address range
ip_addr_from The first IPv4 address of the range
ip_addr_to The last IPv4 address of the range


This example shows how to delete the IP range from the IP pool pool2:

ip pool del range pool2 -

sh ip pool

This command outputs information about an IPv4 pool.

sh ip pool


The response has the following format:

sh ip pool
name pool_1
addresses -
free 91
used 0
mask /16
mtu 1500
lease time 600 secs

IP pools sysctl variables

Variable name
Size of the IP pool’s global pool cache
Default = 4096
Min = 1024
Max = UINT32_MAX
Time to live of an IP pool cache entry
Default = 60
Min = 1
Max = 259200

IPv6 pools

ipv6 pool add

This command creates a new IPv6 address pool.

ipv6 pool add <ip_pool_name> <ipv6_prefix> length <length> [preferred_lt <integer>] [valid_lt <integer>] [flags <flag,...>]


Item Description Value
ip_pool_name Name of an IPv6 pool to create
Must start with a letter.
Max. pool name length is 16 characters.
ipv6_prefix A pool’s address space  
length Length of prefixes allocated from a pool  
The time interval that a valid address
is preferred (i.e., the time until
deprecation). When expires, the address
becomes deprecated.
Default value is 604800 seconds (7 days)

The time interval during which an address
remains in a valid state (i.e., the time
until invalidation).
Default value is 2592000 seconds (30 days)
valid_lt ⩾ preferred_lt
rand - allocates random values.

cache - an address/prefix is reserved for
a valid_lt period for the user
allocated the value; during this interval,
the subscriber will be provided with
the same address/prefix if he reconnects.
After valid_lt have elapsed,
and the address/prefix is not used,
it will be returned back to the pool.
rand, cache


This example shows how to create a new IPv6 pool named ppp6_slaac_pool:

ipv6 pool add ppp6_slaac_pool xxx::/48 length 64 preferred_lt 3600 valid_lt 7200 flags rand,cache

ipv6 pool del

This command deletes an IPv6 pool.

ipv6 pool del <ip_pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IPv6 pool to delete


This example shows how to delete the IPv6 pool named ppp6_slaac_pool:

ipv6 pool del ppp6_slaac_pool

ipv6 pool modify

This command modifies an existing IPv6 pool lifetime values.

ipv6 pool modify <ip_pool_name> valid_lt <integer> preferred_lt <integer>


Item Description Value
ip_pool_name Name of an IPv6 pool to modify  
The time interval that a valid address
is preferred (i.e., the time until
deprecation). When expires, the address
becomes deprecated.
Default value is 604800 seconds (7 days)

The time interval during which an address
remains in a valid state (i.e., the time
until invalidation).
Default value is 2592000 seconds (30 days)
valid_lt ⩾ preferred_lt

sh ipv6 pool

This command outputs information about IPv6 pools.

sh ipv6 pools


The response has the following format:

sh ipv6 pools
name ppp6_pd_pool
address space xxxe::/48
address/prefix length 64
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 65536
used 0
name ppp6_na_pool
address space xxx1::/64
address/prefix length 128
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 4294967294
used 1
name ppp6_slaac_pool
address space xxx0b::/48
address/prefix length 64
preferred lifetime 3600
valid lifetime 7200
free 65535
used 1

IP Pool cache

IP addresses are not immediately returned to an IP pool but are stored in an IP pool cache for a certain period of time to be reserved for their last user. This ensures that the user is able to obtain the same IP address again.

Users of pool IP addresses are identified by MAC addresses, and an IP pool cache entry stores a MAC address. The IPv4 pool cache has a fixed size that can be configured using the ippool_cache_size sysctl startup variable. The duration for which an IP pool cache entry remains in the cache before the IP address is returned to the pool is configured by the ippool_cache_entry_ttl sysctl variable. More information about these sysctl variables can be found in the section titled IP pools sysctl variables.

sh ip pool cache

This command outputs the content of the ipv4 pool cache.

sh ip pool cache

The output has the following structure:

owner    ip    ip-pool
da9c1db9fe4f0100    pool_1
Field name
A string id of the owner of an IP pool entry
IPv4 address
IP pool name

sh ipv6 pool cache

This command outputs the content of the ipv6 pool cache.

sh ipv6 pool cache

The output has the following structure:

owner    ip    sub-ip    ip-pool
da9c1db9fe4f0101    2001:470:1f0b:1461:4c8c:dd7f:24fb:442d        na_pool
da9c1db9fe4f0101    2001:470:1f0c:58c5::        pd_pool
Field name
A string id of the owner of an IPv6 pool entry
IPv6 address
Additional IPv6 address
IPv6 pool name

ip pool cache del

This command deletes an IP pool entry from the IPv4 pool cache.

ip pool cache del "<owner_id>"


Item Description
A string identifier of the owner of an IPv4 pool entry


This example shows how to delete the IPv4 pool cache entry with id da9c1db9fe4f0100:

ip pool cache del "da9c1db9fe4f0100"

Note that when this command is executed in rcli it must enclosed with ‘’:

rcli 'ip pool cache del "da9c1db9fe4f0100"'

ipv6 pool cache del

This command deletes an IPv6 pool entry from the IPv6 pool cache.

ipv6 pool cache del "<owner_id>"


Item Description
A string identifier of the owner of an IPv6 pool entry


This example shows how to delete the IPv6 pool cache entry with id da9c1db9fe4f0100:

ipv6 pool cache del na_pool "da9c1db9fe4f0101"

Note that when this command is executed in rcli it must enclosed with ‘’:

rcli 'ipv6 pool cache del na_pool "da9c1db9fe4f0101"'

ip pool cache flush

This command deletes all IPv4 entries from the IPv4 pool cache.

ip pool cache flush

ipv6 pool cache flush

This command deletes all IPv6 entries from the IPv6 pool cache.

ipv6 pool cache flush


DHCPv4 server

Enabling DHCP server

The DHCP server function is enabled by sysctl variable dhcp_server.

Variable name
Enables the DHCP server function

1 = on
0 = off


This example shows how to enable the DHCP server function:

sysctl set dhcp_server 1

Configuring DHCP server’s IP pools


Before configuring DHCP parameters of an IP pool, it should be created by using the command ip pool add.

The general order of configuring the DHCP server’s IP pools is as follows:

  1. Create an IP pool (ip pool add).
  2. Add an IP address range to the created IP pool (ip pool add range).
  3. Configure the necessary DHCP parameters.


This example shows the order in which the required commands should be executed. DNS, NTP and NBNS configuration is optional and can be configured in any order or be omitted.

# create pool with name "pool_1"
ip pool add pool_1
ip pool add range pool_1 -

# setup pool's DHCP parameters
ip pool set pool_1 router mask 24 lease time 600
ip pool add pool_1 dns
ip pool add pool_1 dns
ip pool add pool_1 ntp
ip pool add pool_1 nbns
ip pool add pool_1 nbns

ip pool set

This command sets the DHCP parameters of an IP pool.

ip pool set <ip_pool_name> router <ipv4_address> mask <mask> lease time <time>


Item Description Value
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to set DHCP parameters  
ipv4_address IPv4 address to set  
mask Network mask  
time Lease time to set
min = 60


This example shows how to set DHCP parameters (router IPv4 address, mask 16 and lease time value 600) for the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool set pool_1 router mask 16 lease time 600

ip pool add dns

This command adds a DNS server to the list of IP pool DNS servers.

ip pool add <ip_pool_name> dns <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add a DNS server to its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a DNS server to add


This example shows how to add a DNS server to the list of DNS servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool add pool_1 dns

ip pool del dns

This command shows how to delete a DNS server from the list of IP pool DNS servers.

ip pool del <ip_pool_name> dns <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete a DNS server from its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a DNS server to delete


This example shows how to delete the DNS server from the list of DNS servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool del pool_1 dns

ip pool add ntp

This command adds a NTP server to the list of IP pool NTP servers.

ip pool add <ip_pool_name> ntp <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add a NTP server to its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a NTP server to add


This example shows how to add the NTP server to the list of NTP servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool add pool_1 ntp

ip pool del ntp

This command deletes a NTP server from the list of IP pool NTP servers.

ip pool del <ip_pool_name> ntp <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete a NTP server from its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a NTP server to delete


This example shows how to delete the NTP server from the list of NTP servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool del pool_1 ntp

ip pool add nbns

This command adds a NBNS (NetBios Name Server) server to the list of IP pool NBNS servers.

ip pool add <ip_pool_name> nbns <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add a NBNS server to its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a NBNS server to add


This example shows how to add the NBNS server to the list of NBNS servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool add pool_1 nbns

ip pool del nbns

This command deletes a NBNS server from the list of IP pool NBNS servers.

ip pool del <ip_pool_name> nbns <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete a NBNS server from its list
ip_address IPv4 address of a NBNS server to delete


This example shows how to delete the NBNS server from the list of NBNS servers of the IP pool pool_1:

ip pool del pool_1 nbns

DHCPv4 relay

Enabling DHCP relay

The DHCP relay function is enabled by sysctl variable dhcp_relay_enabled.

Variable name
Enables the DHCP relay function

1 = on
0 = off


This example shows how to enable the DHCP relay function:

sysctl set dhcp_relay_enabled 1


This command sets an address of DHCP server to relay requests.

dhcp_relay <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_address IPv4 address of a DHCP server to set


This example shows how to set the DHCP server


dhcp_relay opt82 mode

This command configures a DHCP Option82 rewrite function.

dhcp_relay opt82 mode <mode>


Item Description
Possible modes:
rewrite_off - turn off option82 rewrite/insert function
rewrite_if_doesnt_exist - insert remote_id and circuit_id suboptions
only if the request doesn’t already contain dhcp option82
rewrite - rewrite or insert both remote_id and circuit_id DHCP
option82 suboptions
rewrite_circuit_id - rewrite or insert only the circuit_id DHCP
option82 suboption
rewrite_remote_id - rewrite or insert only the remote_id DHCP
option82 suboption


This example shows how to enable and configure a DHCP Option82 rewrite function:

# DHCP relay
sysctl set dhcp_relay_enabled 1
dhcp_relay opt82 remote_id "tr_h4"
dhcp_relay opt82 mode rewrite

dhcp_relay giaddr

This command sets the global DHCP relay giaddr address. When defined, Bison Router will use this address instead of choosing the IP address with minimum value from the VIF to which the DHCP request was received.

dhcp_relay giaddr <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_address IPv4 DHCP relay giaddr address to set


This example shows how to set the DHCP relay giaddr address

dhcp_relay giaddr

dhcp_relay opt82 remote_id

This command configures the content of the remote_id suboption.

dhcp_relay opt82 remote_id <remote_id>


Item Description
remote_id value of the remote_id option82 suboption


This example shows how to set up the remote_id option82 suboption value tr_h4:

dhcp_relay opt82 remote_id "tr_h4"

circuit_id suboption format

Bison Router writes 6 bytes of data into the circuit_id suboption. This data includes the following properties of the VIF on which the DHCP request was received:

2 bytes - port_id
2 bytes - svlan_id
2 bytes - cvlan_id


sysctl variable name
Enables a plain text format for
the circuit_id suboption
1 = on
0 = off


dhcpv6 add dns

This command adds a recursive DNS server to the global list of RDNS servers. The values in the list will be used in the Router Advertisement messages sent to PPPoE and IPv6oE subscribers by the DHCPv6 server.

dhcpv6 add dns <ipv6_address>


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address of a DNS server to add


This example shows how to add a recursive DNS server with the IPv6 address 2001:4860:4860::8888 to the list of servers:

dhcpv6 add dns 2001:4860:4860::8888

dhcpv6 del dns

This command deletes a recursive DNS server address from the RDNS list.

dhcpv6 del dns <ipv6_address>


Item Description
ipv6_address IPv6 address of a DNS server to delete


This example shows how to delete a recursive DNS server with the IPv6 address 2001:4860:4860::8888 from the RDNSS list:

dhcpv6 del dns 2001:4860:4860::8888

dhcpv6 domain search list

This command sets a value of the DHCPv6 domain search list parameter.

dhcpv6 domain search list <value>


Item Description
value String value


This example shows how to set the value for the DHCPv6 domain search list parameter:

dhcpv6 domain search list

DHCPv6 sysctl variables

Variable name
Defines the default preferred value for
IPv6 addresses. For example, this value
will be used for IPv6 addresses received
via RADIUS protocol
Default = 604800
sec (1 week)
Min = 0
Max = UINT32_MAX
Defines the default valid value for IPv6
addresses. For example, this value will be
used for IPv6 addresses received
via RADIUS protocol
Default = 1209600
sec (2 weeks)
Min = 0
Max = UINT32_MAX

DHCP Syslog

BisonRouter can log the content of DHCP ACK messages to a remote syslog server.

dhcp syslog

This command configures an ipv4 address of a remote syslog server used to log the content of DHCP ACK messages.

dhcp syslog <ipv4_address>


To enable dhcp syslog set the value of sysctl variable ‘dhcp_syslog’ to 1.


dhcp syslog
sysctl set dhcp_syslog 1


BisonRouter supports IPoE and PPPoE types of subscribers. This section describes features applicable to both types of subscribers.


A feature called MAC ACL controls the frequency with which a subscriber can trigger the sending of new RADIUS authorization requests after receiving an access denied response.

To achieve this, BisonRouter maintains a list of MAC ACL entries. When a RADIUS authentication denied response is received, a new MAC ACL entry is created for the subscriber who triggered that response. A MAC ACL entry remains in the list for a duration that is configured using either ipoe_mac_acl_ttl or pppoe_mac_acl_ttl sysctl variables, depending on the subscriber type.

sh mac acl

This command outputs the list of MAC ACL entries.

sh mac acl

The output has the following structure:

sh mac acl

mac       expire_in


Item Description
Subscriber’s MAC address
The number of seconds in which the entry will be expired and deleted from the list.
If value is ommited the entry is considered a static entry and remains in the list unless
manually deleted by mac acl del command.

mac acl add

This command adds a new MAC ACL entry to the list of MAC ACL entries.

mac acl add <mac> [ttl <number>]


Item Description
Subscriber’s MAC address
Seconds. Entry time-to-live value. The entry will be expired and deleted from the list
after this number of seconds. If a value is ommited the entry is considered a static entry
and remains in the list unless manually deleted by mac acl del command.


This example shows how create a MAC ACL entry for a subscriber with MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06.

mac acl add 01:02:03:04:05:06 ttl 600

mac acl del

This command deletes a MAC ACL entry from the list of MAC ACL entries.

mac acl del <mac>


Item Description
Subscriber’s MAC address


This example shows how delete a MAC ACL entry with MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06

mac acl del 01:02:03:04:05:06

mac acl sysctl variables

There are two sysctl runtime variables ipoe_mac_acl_ttl and pppoe_mac_acl_ttl that control the automatic creation of MAC ACL entries. When non-zero value is set, BisonRouter automatically creates MAC ACL antries with a coressponding TTL (Time to Live) time. A new MAC ACL entry is created upon receiving a RADIUS authentication denied response.

Sysctl variable name Description
TTL (time to live) value in seconds for IPoE subsribers.
Zero value disables the automactic creation of MAC ACl entries for IPoE subscribers.
TTL (time to live) value in seconds for PPPoE subsribers.
Zero value disables the automactic creation of MAC ACl entries for PPPoE subscribers.


This example demonstrates how to enable the automactic creation of MAC ACL entries for PPPoE subscribers. The entries will remain in the list for 600 seconds. During this time BisonRouter will reject any requests from subscribers who have previously received a RADIUS acccess denied response.

sysctl set pppoe_mac_acl_ttl 600

PPPoE subscribers

PPPoE protocol enabling

The PPPoE protocol is enabled for a specific VIF at the time of its creation using pppoe_on flag and vif add command (see vif add section). Also, the flag can be enabled after creating a VIF using the command vif flags (see vif flags section).


This example shows how to enable the PPPoE protocol on the VIF v3 while creating:

vif add name v3 port 0 type dot1q cvid 3 flags pppoe_on

This example shows how to enable the pppoe_on flag for the existing VIF v20:

vif flags up name v20 flags pppoe_on

sh pppoe subsc

This command outputs connected/online PPPoE subscribers.

sh pppoe subsc [<name>]


Item Description
The user name of the specific subscriber to output. Optional, if omitted, the list of all
online subscribers is output.


The response has the following format:

sh pppoe
vif_id  username  mac  port  svid  cvid  session_id  ip addr  mtu  ingress cir  egress cir  rx_pkts  tx_pkts  rx_bytes  tx_bytes  uptime
5  110  DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:4F  1  0  30  1655202238-5  1492  100000  100000  2  0  96  0  0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 0 min(s), 8 sec(s)

pppoe disconnect

This command disconnects a PPPoE subscriber with an ID.

pppoe disconnect <pppoe_vif_id>


Item Description
pppoe_vif_id ID of a PPPoE VIF to disconnect


This example shows how to disconnect the PPPoE subscriber with the ID 272:

pppoe disconnect 272

PPPoE global parameters

pppoe ac_name

This command sets a PPPoE AC-Name (See RFC 2516 0x0102 for more details).

pppoe ac_name "ac_name"


Item Description
ac_name AC-Name value


This example shows how to set the AC-Name trouter1:

pppoe ac_name "trouter1"

pppoe service name

This command sets a PPPoE Service-Name (See RFC 2516 0x0101 for more details).

pppoe service name "service_name"


Item Description
service_name Service-Name value


This example shows how to set the Service-Name *:

pppoe service name "*"

ppp dns primary

This command sets an IP address of the primary DNS server for PPP subscribers.

ppp dns primary <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_address IP address of the primary DNS server


This example shows how to set the IP address of the primary DNS server for PPP subscribers.

ppp dns primary

ppp dns secondary

This command sets an IP address of the secondary DNS server for PPP subscribers.

ppp dns secondary <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_address IP address of the secondary DNS server


This example shows how to set the IP address of the secondary DNS server for PPP subscribers.

ppp dns secondary

ppp ipcp server ip

This command sets an IP address of the Bison Router side of all PPP Point-to-Point tunnels.

ppp ipcp server ip <ip_address>


Item Description
ip_address IP address of the Bison Router side of PPP Point-to-Point tunnel


This example shows how to set the IP address for the Bison Router side of all PPP Point-to-Point tunnels.

ppp ipcp server ip

PPP IP pools

The following two commands configure the PPP stack to use local IP pools. Local IP pools are used if other means of IP address allocation are not specified. For example, local IP pools will be used if the authentication RADIUS response doesn’t contain Framed-IP-Address or Framed-pool attributes.

Multiple IP pools can be added to the PPP. In this case, they are used in a round-robin way.

ppp ip pool add

This command adds an IP pool to the list of local IP pools to be used by the PPP stack.

ppp ip pool add <ip_pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add to PPP


This example shows how to add the IP pool pool2 to the list of local IP pools to be used by the PPP stack:

ppp ip pool add pool2

ppp ip pool del

This command deletes the local IP pool from PPP.

ppp ip pool del <pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete from PPP


This example shows how to delete the IP pool pool2 from PPP:

ppp ip pool del pool2

PPPoE profiles

pppoe profile create

This command creates a new PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile create <profile_id>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile to create 1-32


This example shows how to create the PPPoE profile with the ID 1:

pppoe profile create 1

pppoe profile destroy

This command deletes a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile destroy <profile_id>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile to delete


This example shows how to delete the PPPoE profile with the ID 1:

pppoe profile destroy 1

pppoe profile set

This command configures a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> set [pado delay <pado_delay>] [service name "<service_name>"] [radius_client <radius_client_id>] [accept rate <padi_rate>] [mtu <mtu_value>] [primary dns <primary_dns>] [secondary dns <secondary_dns>]


Use additional single quotation marks, if you run this command in rcli tool.
pppoe ‘profile 1 set service name “poe1” pado delay 10’


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile to configure  
pado_delay PPPoE PADO delay value to set ms
service_name Service-Name value to set  
radius_client_id ID number of a RADIUS client to set  
Accept rate limit of PADI packets. As soon as the rate of
the incoming PADI packets exceeds the limit, Bison Router will
start silently dropping PADI packets.
PADI packets
per sec
mtu_value Maximum transmission unit size  
primary_dns IP address of primary RDNS server  
secondary_dns IP address of secondary RDNS server  


This example shows how to set the service name * for the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 set service name "*" mtu 1480

This example shows how to set service name poe1 and PADO delay 10 for the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 set service name "poe1" pado delay 10

This example shows how to set a blank service name, PADO delay 20, MTU 1460 and accept rate 50 for the profile 2:

pppoe profile 2 set service name ""
pppoe profile 2 set pado delay 20
pppoe profile 2 set mtu 1460
pppoe profile 2 set accept rate 50

pppoe profile add service name

This command adds a PPPoE Service-Name to a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> add service name "<service_name>"


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
service_name Service-Name value to add


This example shows how to add the Service-Name * to the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 add service name "*"

pppoe profile del service name

This command deletes a PPPoE Service-Name from a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> del service name "<service_name>"


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
service_name Service-Name value to delete


This example shows how to delete the Service-Name * from the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 del service name "*"

pppoe profile add ip pool

This command adds an IP pool to a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> add ip pool <name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
name Name of an IP pool to add


This example shows how to add the IP pool named p_subs_1 to the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 add ip pool p_subs_1

pppoe profile del ip pool

This command deletes an IP pool from a PPPoE profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> del ip pool <name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
name Name of an IP pool to delete


This example shows how to delete the IP pool named p_subs_1 from the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 del ip pool p_subs_1

pppoe profile add vif

This command adds a VIF to a PPPoE profile. As a result, the VIF will start using the PPPoE parameters defined by the profile.

pppoe profile <profile_id> add vif <vif_name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
vif_name Name of a VIF to add


This example shows how to add the VIF v20 to the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 add vif v20

pppoe profile del vif

This command deletes a VIF from a PPPoE profile. As a result, the VIF will start using globally defined PPPoE parameters (profile 0).

pppoe profile <profile_id> del vif <vif_name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete


This example shows how to delete the VIF v20 from the profile 1:

pppoe profile 1 del vif v20

pppoe profile vlan set

This command adds/deteles VIFs to/from a PPPoE profile. As a result, the VIFs will start using PPPoE parameters defined by the profile. The VIFs to add/delete are selected with the help of the VLAN set module.

pppoe profile <profile_id> add|delete vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id ID of a VLAN set to select the VIFs  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


pppoe profile 10 add vlan set 2

This command adds the VIFs identified by VLAN set 2 to the PPPoE profile with id 10.

pppoe profile add vif range

This command adds a VIF range to a PPPoE profile. As a result, the VIF range will start using PPPoE parameters defined by the profile.

pppoe profile add <profile_id> vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile  
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to be added  


This example shows how to add a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 to the profile 1:

pppoe profile add 1 vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name rng1_

pppoe profile del vif range

This command deletes a VIF range from a PPPoE profile. As a result, the VIF range will start using globally defined PPPoE parameters (profile 0).

pppoe profile del <profile_id> vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile  
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to delete  


This example shows how to delete a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 from the profile 1:

pppoe profile del 1 vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name rng1_

sh pppoe profile

This command outputs information about PPPoE profiles.

sh pppoe profile [<profile_id>]


Item Description
profile_id ID of a PPPoE profile. Optional, if omitted the list of all profiles is output


The response has the following format:

sh pppoe profile
profile id 2
  pado delay: 20 ms
  accept rate: 0 per sec
  service names:
  ip pools:
  radius client id: 0
  mtu: 1492

profile id 1
  pado delay: 0 ms
  accept rate: 0 per sec
  service names:
  ip pools:
  radius client id: 0
  mtu: 1492

profile id 0
  pado delay: 0 ms
  accept rate: 0 per sec
  service names:
  ip pools:
  radius client id: 0
  mtu: 1492

sh pppoe profile vif

This command outputs information about a PPPoE profile used by a particular VIF.

sh pppoe profile vif <vif_name>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to output information about a PPPoE profile it uses


The response has the following format:

sh pppoe profile vif v3
profile id 1
  pado delay: 100 ms
  service name: *

Blocking subscribers

pppoe blocked subsc add

This command adds a subscriber’s link-layer address to the block list.

pppoe blocked subsc add <lladdr>


Item Description
lladdr Subscriber’s link-layer address to be blocked


This example shows how to add a link-layer address DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:41 to the block list:

pppoe blocked subsc add DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:41

pppoe blocked subsc del

This command deletes a subscriber’s link-layer address from the block list.

pppoe blocked subsc del <lladdr>


Item Description
lladdr Subscriber’s link-layer address to be deleted from the block list


This example shows how to delete a link-layer address DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:41 from the block list:

pppoe blocked subsc del DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:41

sh pppoe blocked subsc

This command outputs the content of the PPPoE subscriber block list.

sh pppoe blocked subsc


The response has the following format:

sh pppoe blocked subsc

PPPoE verbose logging

The PPPoE verbose logging feature can be used to output syslog log_level 8 messages for a set of PPPoE subscribers. PPPoE subscribers are selected by their MAC addresses. Once at least one MAC address has been added to the verbose log list, Bison Router will output syslog log_level 8 messages only for these subscribers. When the verbose log list is empty, Bison Router outputs log_level 8 messages for all PPPoE subscribers.


log_level 8 must be enabled by setting sysctl log_level variable value to 8.

pppoe verbose add

This command adds a PPPoE subscriber’s MAC address to the verbose log list.

pppoe verbose add <mac>


Item Description
mac MAC address to add to the verbose log list


This example shows how to add a subscriber with the MAC address E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E to the verbose log list:

pppoe verbose add E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E

pppoe verbose del

This command deletes a PPPoE subscriber’s MAC address from the verbose log list.

pppoe verbose del <mac>


Item Description
mac MAC address to delete from the verbose log list


This example shows how to delete a subsciber with the MAC address E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E from the verbose log list:

pppoe verbose del E0:D5:5E:8D:35:2E

pppoe verbose flush

This command deletes all MAC addresses from the verbose log list.

pppoe verbose flush

PPPoE sysctl variables

Variable name
The max. number of concurrent
PPPoE subscribers
Default = 30000
Min = 1
Max = UINT32_MAX
The max. number of online PPPoE
subscribers. Once the number
of online PPPoE subscribers
reaches this limit, Bison
Router will stop answering to
the PPPoE Discovery Initiation
Packets (PADI).
Default = 0
Min = 0
Max = UINT32_MAX
0 turns off
the limit, no re-
strictions on the
number of online
subscribers are
applied by Bison
The PPPoE subscriber will be
disconnected if there are no
packets during this period
Default = 7200
(2 hours)
Min = 0
Max = UINT16_MAX
Enable/disable the use of
TCP MSS fix for PPPoE traffic
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
The max. number of PPP FSM
(LCP or NCP (IPCP)) terminate
packets that can be sent
Default = 2
Min = 1
Max = 10
The max. number of PPP FSM
(LCP or NCP (IPCP)) configure
packets that can be sent
Default = 5
Min = 1
Max = 10
Waiting time before resending
the PPP FSM configure request.
This time will be multiplied
by 1.5 with each attempt to
resend the request.
Default = 100
Min = 100
Max = 60000
Check if a PPPoE subscriber has
a unique pair of Host-Uniq TAG
and MAC address. If a new PPPoE
discovery request is received
containing an already existing
pair of values, it will be
1 = on
0 = off
When enabled, Bison Router pre-
vents the connection of new
PPPoE subscribers with a user-
name being used by an already
connected/online PPPoE
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
When enabled, Bison Router will
add/remove linux kernel /32
routes for PPP subscribers IP
addresses. Linux kernel routes
are installed to ‘lo’ interface
in the namespace in which Bison
Router is running. This option
allows announcing subscriber’s
/32 prefixes by using
“redistribute kernel” command
in FRR/Quagga bgpd or ospfd
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
Interval beetween keepalive
Default = 60
Min = 0
Max = UINT16_MAX
0 turns off
Interval beetween keepalive
Default = 500
Min = 200
Max = 6000
The max. number of keepalive
probes that could be send
during one keepalive test
Default = 3
Min = 1
Max = 16
When enabled, Bison Router
deletes the domain part of the
PPP username before output the
username to CLI or log files
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
When enabled, Bison Router
outputs the PPPoE subscriber
uptime in seconds
Default = 0
(Read-only) the maximum length
of the PPP usernames supported
by Bison Router
Default = 50
Min = 1
Max = 100
Defines the default PPP
auth proto
Default = chap
Enables the use of the RADIUS
accounting on/off packets
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
The max. number of PPPoE PADO
packets that can be delayed at
the same time. Once Bison
Router receives and delays that
number of PADI/PADO all new
PADI packets will be dropped
Default = 256
Min = 256
Max = UINT16_MAX
(Read-only) the number of
currently delayed PADO packets
that are waiting to be sent
to the wire
When enabled, BisonRouter trims
trailing spaces from PPPoE
usernames that come from CoA
protocol and
CHAP/PAP auth protocols
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
When enabled, Bison Router
lowers PPPoE usernames that
come from CoA protocol and
CHAP/PAP auth protocols
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off


sh pppoe ipv6 subsc

This command outputs connected/online PPPoE IPv6 subscribers.

sh pppoe ipv6 subsc [<name>]


Item Description
The user name of the specific IPv6 subscriber to output. Optional, if omitted, the list
of all online IPv6 subscribers is output.


The response has the following format:

vif_id  username  mac  port  svid  cvid  session_id  ia_na  ia_pd  slaac  mtu  ingress cir  egress cir  rx_pkts  tx_pkts  rx_bytes  tx_bytes  uptime
9  110  DA:9C:1D:B9:FE:4F  1  0  30  1655471322-9       xxx:237f:ee39:5584:17eb  xxx60::/64 xxxaf::/64 1492    100000  100000  1  0  48  0  0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 24 min(s), 33 sec(s)

ppp ipv6 pool

This command sets the default address pool for PPP IPv6 addresses of a particular type.

ppp ipv6 pool <ppp_addr_type> <pool_name>


Item Description Value
ppp_addr_type PPP address type
ia_na - Identity Association for
Non-temporary Addresses. Non temporary
address are usually assigned to
the WAN interface of a CPE.
ia_pd - Identity Association for
Prefix Delegation.
slaac - Stateless Address
pool_name Name of an IPv6 pool  


This example shows how to set the default IPv6 pools for different PPP IPv6 address types:

ppp ipv6 pool ia_na ppp6_na_pool
ppp ipv6 pool ia_pd ppp6_pd_pool
ppp ipv6 pool slaac ppp6_slaac_pool

ppp ipv6 pool disable

This command unsets the default address pool for PPP addresses of a particular type.

ppp ipv6 pool <ppp_addr_type> disable


Item Description Value
ppp_addr_type PPP address type


This example shows how to unset the default address pool for PPP addresses of different types:

ppp ipv6 pool ia_na disable
ppp ipv6 pool ia_pd disable
ppp ipv6 pool slaac disable

PPP IPv6 sysctl variables

Variable name
Enables/disables the IPv6 protocol for PPP
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
Defines the size of the MTU Router
Advertisement option of RA messages sent to
PPP interfaces
Default = 0
Min = 0
Max = UINT16_MAX
Enables/disables the MSS fix/clumping
for IPv6
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
Defines the IA_NA option behavior of the PPP
DHCPv6 server
0 = off, the IA_NA option is not included in
DHCPv6 messages;
1 = on, the IA_NA option is included to the
DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 client asks
for the option;
2 - allways allocate, the IA_NA option is
included in the DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value
will be allocated from a pool immediately
after the PPP subscriber has connected.

Default = 1
Setups the IA_PD for PPP DHCPv6 server.
0 = off, the IA_PD option is not included in
DHCPv6 messages;
1 = on, the IA_PD option is included to the
DHCPv6 replies, IA_PD value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 client asks
for the option;
2 - allways allocate, the IA_PD option is
included in the DHCPv6 replies, IA_PD value
will be allocated from a pool immediately
after the PPP subscriber has connected.
Default = 1
Enables/disables the use of SLAAC for
PPP interfaces.
0 = off
1 = on
Default = 0
Defines whether or not to include the Framed-
IPv6-Prefix attribute containing the PPP
subscriber’s SLAAC prefix to the RADIUS
accounting messages.
0 = off
1 = on
Default = 0
Defines whether or not to include the Framed-
IPv6-Address attribute containing the PPP
subscriber’s IA_NA address to the RADIUS
accounting messages.
0 = off
1 = on
Default = 0
Defines whether or not to include the Delega-
ted-IPv6-Address attribute containing the PPP
subscriber’s IA_PD prefix to the RADIUS
accounting messages.
0 = off
1 = on
Default = 0

IPoE subscribers

IPoE subscribers


The configuration of IPoE subscribers assumes that the format of the username to be used in RADIUS packets was set in the startup section of the configuration file. See the following command for more details.

ipoe subsc username

This command configures IPoE subscriber’s username which will be used in RADIUS packets. The command can only be used in the startup section of a configuration file.

ipoe subsc username format "<field>[:<field>]..." [delimiter ":"] [type "<subsc_type>"]


Item Description
Fields that will be used to compose a username:
delimiter Delimiter character
subsc_type IPoE subscriber type: “l2”, “l3”, “dynamic_vif”. Default is “l2”.


This example shows how to set a username format using the mac field:

ipoe subsc username format "mac" type "l2"

This example shows how to set a username format using ipv4 and mac fields and the delimiter character ::

ipoe subsc username format "ipv4:mac" delimiter ":" type "l2"


remote_id and subscriber_id field values are defined only when DHCP subscriber’s session is initiated by DHCP or DHCPv6 packets. Those values correspond to DHCP option82 values or DHCPv6 option 18/ option 37 values.

sh subsc

This command outputs IPoE subscriber online sessions.

sh subsc


The response has the following format:

sh subsc
vif_id  port    vlan    ip      mac     sess-id circuit-id      remote-id       ingress_car     egress_car      rx_pkts tx_pkts rx_bytes        tx_bytes        pbr     ttl     expire_in    uptime
8       2       0.931  10.x.x.x      xx:16:xx:xx:xx:xx       1641657854-8                    250M    250M    7841    7606    1356631 3446740 0       600     291     0 day(s), 2 hour(s), 17 min(s), 19 sec(s)

subsc disconnect

This command disconnects an IPoE subscriber.

subsc disconnect <vif_id>
Item Description
vif_id ID of a subscriber’s VIF to disconnect


This example shows how to disconnect the subscriber VIF with the ID 8:

subsc disconnect 8

IPoE DHCP pools

The following two commands configure the IPoE stack to use local IP pools. Local IP pools are used if other means of IP address allocation are not specified. For example, local IP pools will be used if the authentication RADIUS response doesn’t contain Framed-IP-Address or Framed-pool attributes.

Multiple IP pools can be added to the IPoE. In this case, they are used in a round-robin way.

ipoe ip pool add

This command adds an IP pool to the list of local IP pools to be used by the IPoE stack.

ipoe ip pool add <ip_pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to add


This example shows how to add the IP pool pool1 to the list of local IP pools to be used by the IPoE stack:

ipoe ip pool add pool1

ipoe ip pool del

This command deletes the local IP pool from IPoE stack.

ipoe ip pool del <ip_pool_name>


Item Description
ip_pool_name Name of an IP pool to delete


This example shows how to delete the IP pool pool1 from IPoE stack:

ipoe ip pool del pool1

IPoE profiles

ipoe profile create

This command creates a new IPoE profile.

ipoe profile create <profile_id>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile to create 1-32


This example shows how to create the IPoE profile with the ID 1:

ipoe profile create 1

ipoe profile destroy

This command deletes an IPoE profile.

ipoe profile destroy <profile_id>


Item Description
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile to delete


This example shows how to delete the IPoE profile with the ID 1:

ipoe profile destroy 1

ipoe profile add dhcp pool

This command adds a DHCP pool to an IPoE profile.

ipoe profile <profile_id> add dhcp pool <name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile
name Name of a DHCP pool to add


This example shows how to add the DHCP pool named p_subs_1 to the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 add dhcp pool p_subs_1

ipoe profile del dhcp pool

This command deletes a DHCP pool from an IPoE profile.

ipoe profile <profile_id> del dhcp pool <name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile
name Name of a DHCP pool to delete


This example shows how to delete the DHCP pool named p_subs_1 from the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 del ip pool p_subs_1

ipoe profile add vif

This command adds a VIF to an IPoE profile. As a result, the VIF will start using the IPoE parameters defined by the profile.

ipoe profile <profile_id> add vif <vif_name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a IPoE profile
vif_name Name of a VIF to add


This example shows how to add the VIF v20 to the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 add vif v20

ipoe profile del vif

This command deletes a VIF from an IPoE profile. As a result, the VIF will start using globally defined IPoE parameters.

ipoe profile <profile_id> del vif <vif_name>


Item Description
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete


This example shows how to delete the VIF v20 to the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 del vif v20

ipoe profile vlan set

This command adds/deteles VIFs to/from an IPoE profile. As a result, the VIFs will start using IPoE parameters defined by the profile. The VIFs to add/delete are selected with the help of the VLAN set module.

ipoe profile <profile_id> add|delete vlan set <vlan_set_id> [prefix <vif_name_prefix>]


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id ID of a VLAN set to select the VIFs  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


ipoe profile 10 add vlan set 2

This command adds the VIFs identified by VLAN set 2 to the IPoE profile with id 10.

ipoe profile add vif range

This command adds a VIF range to an IPoE profile. As a result, the VIF range will start using IPoE parameters defined by the profile.

ipoe profile <profile_id> add vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile  
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to be added  


This example shows how to add a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 to the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 add vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name rng1_

ipoe profile del vif range

This command deletes a VIF range from an IPoE profile. As a result, the VIF range will start using globally defined IPoE parameters.

ipoe profile <profile_id> del vif range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile  
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to delete  


This example shows how to delete a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 from the profile 1:

ipoe profile 1 del vif range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name rng1_

ipoe profile set

This command configures parameters of an IPoE profile.

ipoe profile <profile_id> set radius_client <radius_client_id>


Item Description
profile_id ID of a IPoE profile
radius_client_id ID of a radius client


This example shows how to configure IPoE profile 1 to start using radius client with ID 1:

ipoe profile 1 set radius_client 1

sh ipoe profile

This command outputs information about IPoE profiles.

sh ipoe profile [<profile_id>]


Item Description
profile_id ID of an IPoE profile. Optional, if omitted all profiles are output


The response has the following format:

rcli sh ipoe profile
profile id 1
  DHCP pools:
  ref_cnt: 0

sh ipoe profile vif

This command outputs information about the IPoE profile used by a particular VIF.

sh ipoe profile vif <vif_name>


Item Description
vif_name Name of a VIF to output information about the IPoE profile it uses


The response has the following format:

rcli sh ipoe profile vif v20
profile id 1
  DHCP pools:
  ref_cnt: 1

IPoE sysctl variables

Variable name
Defines the max. number of online
IPoE/PPPoE subscribers
Default = 32768
Min = 1
Max = 256
Enables adding/removing linux kernel /32
routes for IPoE subscriber’s IP addresses.
Linux kernel routes are installed to the
linux lo interface in the namespace
where Bison Router is running. This option
allows to announce subscriber’s /32 prefi-
xes by using the redistribute kernel
command of FRR/Quagga bgpd or ospfd
Default = off
0 = off
1 = on
Defines IPoE subscriber’s Time-to-Live
parameter value
Min = 0
Max = UINT16_MAX
Default = 600
Instructs BisonRouter to initiate a new
IPoE subscriber session upon receiving
the DHCP message
Default = off
0 = off
1 = on
Enables filtering of ARP requests on VIFs
with the flag l2_subsc. Bison Router
will reply only to requests received from
authorized L2 subscribers. Bison Router
will try to find a match between ARP
source IP, the ARP source hardware address
in a request and a pair of IP and MAC
addresses of one of the online L2 subscri-
bers. If no match is found, the request
will be ignored. It will also check that
the ARP request was received from the VIF
to which the matching subscriber is
Default = off
0 = off
1 = on
Enables installation of a /32 route for
each IPoE L2/L3 subscriber’s IP address
Default = off
0 = off
1 = on
Instructs Bison Router to initiate a new
L2 connected subscriber session if an
unclassified egress packet is received.
Default = on
0 = off
1 = on
Instructs Bison Router to initiate a new
L2 connected subscriber session if an
unclassified ingress packet is received.
Default = on
0 = off
1 = on
Instructs Bison Router to update the
expiration/TTL time of L2 subscribers
when an ingress packet is received.
Default = on
0 = off
1 = on
Instructs Bison Router to update the
expiration/TTL time of L2 subscribers
when an egress packet is received.
Default = on
0 = off
1 = on

IPoE IPv6 subscribers

IPoE protocol enabling

The IPoE IPv6 protocol is enabled for a specific VIF at the time of its creation using l2_subs (l3_subs) flags and vif add command (see vif add section). Also, the flag can be enabled after creating a VIF using the command vif flags (see vif flags section).


This example shows how to enable the IPoE IPv6 protocol on the VIF v3 while creating:

vif add name v3 port 0 type dot1q cvid 3 flags l2_subs

This example shows how to enable the l2_subs flag for the existing VIF v20:

vif flags up name v20 flags l2_subs

ipoe ipv6 pool

This command sets the default address pool for IPv6oE addresses of a particular type.

ipoe ipv6 pool <ipv6oe_addr_type> <pool_name>


Item Description Value
ipv6oe_addr_type IPv6oE address type
ia_na - Identity Association for
Non-temporary Addresses. Non temporary
address are usually assigned to
the WAN interface of a CPE.
ia_pd - Identity Association for
Prefix Delegation.
slaac - Stateless Address
pool_name Name of an IPv6 pool  


This example shows how to set the default IPv6 pools for different IPv6oE address types:

ipoe ipv6 pool ia_na ipv6_na_pool_1
ipoe ipv6 pool ia_pd ipv6_pd_pool_1
ipoe ipv6 pool slaac ipv6_slaac_pool_1

ipoe ipv6 pool disable

This command unsets the default address pool for IPv6oE addresses of a particular type.

ipoe ipv6 pool <ipv6oe_address_type> disable


Item Description Value
ipv6oe_address_type IPv6oE address type


This example shows how to unset the default address pool for IPv6oE addresses of different types:

ipoe ipv6 pool ia_na disable
ipoe ipv6 pool ia_pd disable
ipoe ipv6 pool slaac disable

sh subsc ipv6

This command outputs connected/online IPv6oE subscribers

sh subsc ipv6


The response has the following format:

sh subsc ipv6
vif_id  vlan    port    mac     remote_id       subsc_id        IA_NA   IA_PD   ingress_qdisc   egress_qdisc    rx_pkts tx_pkts rx_bytes        tx_bytes        ttl     expire_in       uptime
8       0.820  2       xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx                       xx01:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:c9c3  2000:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::/64 250M    250M    7852    7609    1359513 3446878 600     416  0 day(s), 2 hour(s), 21 min(s), 14 sec(s)

IPv6oE sysctl variables

Variable name
Enables/disables the IPv6 protocol for IPoE
Default = 0
1 = on
0 = off
Defines the IA_NA option behavior of the IPoE
DHCPv6 server
0 = off, the IA_NA option is not included in
DHCPv6 messages;
1 = on, the IA_NA option is included to the
DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 client asks
for the option;
2 - always allocate, the IA_NA option is
included in the DHCPv6 replies, IA_NA value
will be allocated from a pool immediately
after the IPv6oE subscriber has connected.

Default = 1
Setups the IA_PD for IPoE DHCPv6 server.
0 = off, the IA_PD option is not included in
DHCPv6 messages;
1 = on, the IA_PD option is included to the
DHCPv6 replies, IA_PD value will be allocated
from a pool only if the DHCPv6 client asks
for the option;
2 - always allocate, the IA_PD option is
included in the DHCPv6 replies, IA_PD value
will be allocated from a pool immediately
after the IPv6oE subscriber has connected.
Default = 1

ARP based keepalive mechanism

An ARP-based keepalive mechanism for IPoE subscribers enables the fast detection and disconnection of IPoE sessions when the corresponding CPE devices are powered off or cannot be reached.

This keepalive mechanism relies on the ARP protocol to detect unreachable CPE devices. To achieve this, BisonRouter periodically sends unicast ARP requests to the MAC address of each subscriber. If BisonRouter receives no replies to these probes, it disconnects the IPoE session.

BisonRouter periodically conducts a keepalive test for each IPoE subscriber. Each keepalive test consists of sending a maximum of ‘ipoe_arp_keepalive_nb_probes’ unicast ARP requests (keepalive probes). These tests are conducted every ‘ipoe_arp_keepalive_interval’ seconds.

During the test, BisonRouter sends the second probe after an interval of ‘ipoe_arp_keepalive_probe_interval’ * 2 milliseconds, the third probe after ‘ipoe_arp_keepalive_probe_interval’ * 3 milliseconds, and so on.

As soon as BisonRouter receives a response to a ARP requests a keepalive test is finished. If BisonRouter receives no APR replies during the test, it disconnects the IPoE session.

The following sysctl variables controls the behavior of the keepalive mechanism.

Variable name
Interval in seconds between
running keepalive tests
Default = 0 (disbled)
Interval in milliseconds between
sending ARP probes
Default = 200
Maximum number of ARP probes that
can be sent during a keepalive test
Default = 3

Other commands

save config

This command saves the running configuration into a file.

save config [<file_name>]
Item Description
Name of the file to save configuration. Optional.
When omitted current configuration file name is used.


This command stops the Bison Router process.


sh ver

This command outputs the version of the Bison Router software.

sh ver

sh uptime

This command outputs the uptime of Bison Router process.

sh uptime


The response has the following format:

Uptime: 1 day(s), 7 hour(s), 24 minute(s), 48 sec(s)

Router statistic commands

sh port general stat

This command outputs port’s packet counters.

sh port general stat


The response has the following format:

sh port general stat
port 0
        pkts rx 2701128
        pkts tx 2221199
        bytes rx 1586718600
        bytes tx 1540072355
        errors rx 0
        errors tx 0
        missed 0
        rx_nombuf 0

sh port stat

This command outputs packet counters grouped by lcores.

sh port stat


The response has the following format:

sh port stat
port    send_failed     send_ok
lcore 1: 0      0       1556192
lcore 2: 0      0       437540
lcore 3: 0      0       227333
lcore 4: 0      0       0
lcore 5: 0      0       0
lcore 6: 0      0       0
lcore 7: 0      0       0
lcore 8: 0      0       0
lcore 9: 0      0       0
lcore 10: 0     0       0
lcore 11: 0     0       0
lcore 12: 0     0       0
lcore 13: 0     0       0
lcore 14: 0     0       0
lcore 15: 0     0       0
total: 0        0       2221065

sh port xstat

This command outputs port’s extended packet counters.

sh port xstat


The response has the following format:

sh port xstat
port 0
        rx_good_packets 2702535
        tx_good_packets 2221993
        rx_good_bytes 1586895940
        tx_good_bytes 1540186436
        rx_q0packets 2702535
        rx_q0bytes 1586895940
        tx_q0packets 2221993
        tx_q0bytes 1540034116
        mac_local_errors 3
        mac_remote_errors 1
        rx_size_64_packets 350936
        rx_size_65_to_127_packets 1050314
        rx_size_128_to_255_packets 257371
        rx_size_256_to_511_packets 47232
        rx_size_512_to_1023_packets 32387
        rx_size_1024_to_max_packets 964295
        rx_broadcast_packets 35939
        rx_multicast_packets 98145
        rx_total_packets 2702819
        rx_total_bytes 1586951636
        tx_total_packets 2221993
        tx_size_64_packets 18027
        tx_size_65_to_127_packets 1035247
        tx_size_128_to_255_packets 155297
        tx_size_256_to_511_packets 27883
        tx_size_512_to_1023_packets 21215
        tx_size_1024_to_max_packets 964324
        tx_multicast_packets 1016
        tx_broadcast_packets 62
        rx_l3_l4_xsum_error 8513
        out_pkts_untagged 2221993

sh mbuf stats

This command outputs the mbuf usage.

sh mbuf stats


The response has the following format:

sh mbuf stats
socket 0 mbuf: free 14450, allocated 1934

sh stat

This command outputs global statistics counters.

sh stat


The response has the following format:

sh stat
dropped local                   0
dropped unknown_vif             43027
dropped invalid_ipv4            0
dropped dst unreachable         12
dropped blackhole               52084
dropped bad_port                0
dropped dst_mac_is_unknown      4
dropped npf_in                  0
dropped npf_out                 7003
blocked by npf_in               0
blocked by npf_out              0
dropped other_errs              0
local pkts in                   92539
local pkts out                  0
local UDP pkts in               5578
local UDP pkts out              0
local pkts dropped              0
fragmentation overflow          0
no ctrl mbuf left               0
no mbuf left                    0
no timer left                   0
worker-cplane ring overflow     0
invalid ipv6 pkts               0

clear stats

This command clears global statistic counters.

clear stats


udp_api secret

This command configures a UDP API secret.

udp_api secret "<secret>"


Item Description
secret UDP API secret


This example shows how to set the UDP API secret 123:

udp_api secret "123"

Captive portal

ipoe captive portal redirect url

This command configures a captive portal redirect URL format.

ipoe captive portal redirect url format "<format_string>"


Item Description
A format of a captive portal redirect URL. The string can include
the following optional elements placed in {}:


This example shows how to configure a captive portal redirect URL format using all the elements from the list above:

ipoe captive portal redirect url format "{mac}&subsc_ip={ipv4}&svid={svid}&cvid={cvid}&nas_ip_addr={nas_ip_addr}&sess_id={sess_id}"

Access control lists (ACL)

Access control lists (ACL) can be used to filter incoming (ingress) or outgoing (egress) VIF traffic. Multiple ACLs can be applied to the same VIF, as well as a single ACL can be applied to many VIFs.

Each VIF has two ACL lists: ingress and egress. A VIF ACL list stores the ACLs in sorted order. The position of an ACL in the list is determined by a priority specified by a user.

The ACL, in turn, consists of rules. The position of a rule in the ACL is also determined by priority.

When a packet comes to a VIF, it is compared to the rules of ACLs from the ingress list. When a packet is transmitted from a VIF, it is compared to the rules of ACLs from the egress list. First, a packet is compared to the rules of the ACL with the minimum priority. The process then proceeds to the next ACL with a higher priority.

When a packet matches an ACL rule, the ACL process stops and the action defined by the ACL is applied to the packet (drop or permit action).

If a packet does not match any ACL rule, the process proceeds to the next ACL in the list. If there are no more ACL in the list, then the action which is opposite to the action defined by the ACL is performed. For example, if a packet does not match any rule of a deny ACL, then the packet is permitted. And when a packet does not match any rule of a permit ACL, the packet is dropped. So, the last ACL in the list defines the action to apply when no matches are found.


Empty ACLs are not included in the list of VIF’s ACLs, and will not be taken into account when a packet does not match any ACL rules.

vif acl create

This command creates a new Access Control List.

vif acl create aclid <acl_id> type <acl_type> <action>


Item Description Value
acl_id ID of an ACL to create Number
ACL type:
ipv4_tuple - an ACL type which classifies packets using
the combination of the following fields :
- protocol type
- IPv4 source address
- IPv4 destination address
- L4 source port
- L4 destination port
ipv6_tuple - an ACL type which classifies packets using
the combination of the following fields :
- protocol type
- IPv6 source address
- IPv6 destination address
- L4 source port
- L4 destination port
Action performed with a packet if a match is found:
deny - drop a packet if a match is found
permit - forward a packet if a match is found


This example shows how to create the ACL with ID 10, type ipv6_tuple and action deny:

vif acl create aclid 10 type ipv6_tuple deny

vif acl destroy

This command deletes an ACL.

vif acl destroy aclid <acl_id>


Item Description
acl_id ID of an ACL to delete


This example shows how to delete the ACL with the ID 10:

vif acl destroy aclid 10

vif acl add

This command applies an ACL to a VIF. It adds an ACL to the ingress or egress list of ACLs of a VIF at the position with the specified priority.


Item Description Value
vif_name Name of a VIF to add an ACL  
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress) to
add an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to add  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  


This example shows how to add the ACL with the ID 10 to the ingress list of ACLs of the VIF v5 with the prioriry number 30:

vif acl add dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 30

vif acl del

This command deletes an ACL from ingress or egress list of ACLs of a VIF.

vif acl del dev <vif_name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id>


Item Description Value
vif_name Name of a VIF to delete an ACL  
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress) to
delete an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to delete  


This example shows how to delete the ACL with the ID 10 from the ingress list of ACLs of the VIF v5:

vif acl del dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10

vif acl mod

This command changes the position of an ACL in the list of ACLs of a VIF.

vif acl modify dev <vif_name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>


Item Description Value
vif_name Name of a VIF to change an ACL priority  
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress) to
change an ACL priority
acl_id ID of an ACL to change its priority  
prio New position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  


This example shows how to set the new priority number 40 for the ACL with the ID 10 in the ingress list of ACLs of the VIF v5:

vif acl modify dev v5 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 40

vif acl add vlan set

This command applies an ACL to the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set. It adds an ACL to the VIF’s ingress or egress list of ACLs at the position with the specified priority.


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id to select VIFs to add an ACL  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  
Traffic direction. Specifies the VIF’s ACL list
(egress or ingress) to add an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to add  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


This example shows how to add the ACL with the ID 10 to the ingress list of ACLs of the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set 2 with the prioriry number 30:

vif acl add vlan set 2 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 30

vif acl del vlan set

This command deletes an ACL from the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set. It deletes an ACL with the specified id from the VIF’s ingress or egress lists of ACLs.


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id to select VIFs to add an ACL  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  
Traffic direction. Specifies the VIF’s ACL list
(egress or ingress) to add an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to delete  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


This example shows how to delete the ACL with the ID 10 from the ingress list of ACLs of the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set 2:

vif acl del vlan set 2 dir ingress aclid 10

vif acl mod vlan set

This command changes the position of an ACL in the list of ACLs of VIFs with ids from a VLAN set.


Item Description Value
vlan_set_id VLAN set id to select VIFs to modify an ACL  
vif_name_prefix VIF name prefix. Default value is ‘v’  
Traffic direction. Specifies the VIF’s ACL list
(egress or ingress)
acl_id ID of an ACL to modify  
prio New position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  


The VIF name prefix value should match the prefix value that was used to create VIFs by vif add vlan set command.


After a VLAN set is modified and a new VLAN is added to it BisonRouter do not automatically executes commands dependent on the modified VLAN set. For example, BisonRouter will not create new VIFs corresponding to the added VLANs, or it will not add an IP address to those VIFs. Commands using a VLAN set as a parameter should be executed again manually.


This example shows how to modify the position of the ACL with the ID 10 in the ingress list of ACLs of the VIFs with ids from a VLAN set 2:

vif acl modify vlan set 2 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 30

vif acl add range

This command adds an ACL to a VIF’s range:

vif acl add range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>


Item Description Value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to add an ACL  
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress)
to add an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to add  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF range ACL list  


This example shows how to add the ingress ACL 10 with the priority number 30 on a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 within the VIF v20:

vif acl add range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name v20 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 30

vif acl del range

This command deletes an ACL from a VIF’s range.

vif acl del range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id>


Item Description Value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
name Name of the range of virtual interfaces to delete an ACL  
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress)
to add an ACL
acl_id ID of an ACL to delete  


This example shows how to delete the ingress ACL 10 from a VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 within the VIF v20:

vif acl del range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name v20 dir ingress aclid 10

vif acl mod range

This command changes the position of an ACL in the list of ACLs on a VIF’s range.

vif acl modify range svid <svid_range> cvid <cvid_range> name <name> dir <direction> aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>


Item Description Value
svid_range Service VLAN ID or Service VLAN range 1-4095
cvid_range Customer VLAN ID or Customer VLAN range 1-4095
Name of the range of virtual interfaces to change an ACL
Traffic direction. Specifies the list (egress or ingress)
to change an ACL priority
acl_id ID of an ACL to change its priority  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF range ACL list  


This example shows how to set the new priority number 40 for the ACL with the ID 10 in the ingress list of ACLs of the VLAN range from 4.100 to 5.200 within the VIF v20:

vif acl modify range svid 4 5 cvid 100 200 name v20 dir ingress aclid 10 prio 40

vif acl flush

This command deletes all rules from an ACL.

vif acl flush aclid <acl_id>


Item Description
acl_id ID of an ACL to delete its rules


This example shows how to delete all the rules from the ACL with the ID 10:

vif acl flush aclid 10

vif acl rule add

This command adds a rule to an ACL.

vif acl rule <ip_proto> add aclid <acl_id> prio <prio> [proto <proto_number>] [src <src_prefix>]
[dst <dst_prefix>] [sport <src_port_range>] [dport <dst_port_range>]


Item Description Value
ip_proto IP protocol name
acl_id ID of an ACL to add a rule  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  
proto_number IP protocol number  
src_prefix Source IP prefix  
dst_prefix Destination IP prefix  
src_port_range L4 source port range  
dst_port_range L4 destination port range  


This example shows how to add an IPv4 rule with the priority number 21 for source IP prefix and destination IP prefix, source port range 10-20 and destination port 80 to the ACL 11:

vif acl rule ipv4 add aclid 11 prio 21 proto 6 src dst sport 10 20 dport 80

This example shows how to add an IPv4 rule with the priority number 21 for destination IP prefix and destination port 80 to the ACL 11:

vif acl rule ipv4 add aclid 11 prio 21 dst dport 80

This example shows how to add an IPv6 rule with the priority number 20 for destination IP prefix 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b and destination port 80 to the ACL 10:

vif acl rule ipv6 add aclid 10 prio 20 dst 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b dport 80

vif acl rule del

This command deletes a rule from an ACL.

vif acl rule <ip_proto> del aclid <acl_id> prio <prio>


Item Description Value
ip_proto IP protocol name
acl_id ID of an ACL to add a rule  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  


This example shows how to delete the IPv4 rule with the priority number 21 from the ACL 11:

vif acl rule ipv4 del aclid 11 prio 21

vif acl rule mod

This command modifies a rule in an ACL.

vif acl rule <ip_proto> modify aclid <acl_id> prio <prio> [proto <protocol_number>]
[src <src_prefix>] [dst <dst_prefix>] [sport <src_port_range>] [dport <dst_port_range>]


Item Description Value
ip_proto IP protocol name
acl_id ID of an ACL to modify a rule  
prio Position number (priority) in the VIF’s ACL list  
proto_number IP protocol number  
src_prefix Source IP prefix  
dst_prefix Destination IP prefix  
src_port_range L4 source port range  
dst_port_range L4 destination port range  


This example shows how to modify the IPv4 rule with the priority number 21 for source IP prefix and destination IP prefix, source port range 10-20 and destination port 80 in the ACL 11:

vif acl rule ipv4 modify aclid 11 prio 21 proto 6 src dst sport 10 20 dport 80

This example shows how to modify the IPv4 rule with the priority number 21 for destination IP prefix and destination port 80 in the ACL 11:

vif acl rule ipv4 modify aclid 11 prio 21 dst dport 80

This example shows how to modify the IPv6 rule with the priority number 20 for destination IP prefix 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b and destination port 80 in the the ACL 10:

vif acl rule ipv6 modify aclid 10 prio 20 dst 2a00:1450:400c:c07::8b dport 80

sh vif acl

This command outputs ACL.

sh vif acl


sh vif acl
acl_id    type    action  num_rules
1 ipv4_tuple      deny    0

sh vif acl rules

This command outputs ACL rules.

sh vif acl rules aclid <acl_id>


Item Description
acl_id ID of an ACL to show its rules


The response has the following format:

sh vif acl rules aclid 11
      acl id 11, type ipv4_tuple, action deny, num rules 1
      prio 21, proto any, src any, dst, sport any, dport 81

sh vif

This command outputs the list of VIFs and ACLs applied to them.

sh vif


The response has the following format:

sh vif
vif v5, id 3
port 0, vlan 0.5, encapsulation dot1q
mac address 00:1B:21:A3:0C:88
NPF index 12
CAR ingress not set
      egress not set
ACL ingress prio 30 acl 10, prio 40 acl 11
      egress not set


Hierarchical QoS

Bison Router’s HQoS implementation is based on the DPDK QoS Scheduler framework. For more details, see DPDK documentation.

HQoS hierarchy includes 5 levels: port, subport, pipe, traffic class and queue.

Subport: Each subport represents a predefined group of subscribers.

Pipe: A pipe represents a particular subscriber.

Traffic class: There are 4 Traffic Classes (TC). A packet is classified as a particular TC based on the IPv4 ToS value.

Queue: Each TC consists of 4 queues with ID numbers from 1 to 4. A packet goes to a particular queue based on the content of it’s L3 header:

(ip src + ip dst) % 3

Traffic shaping is performed on subport and pipe levels using the Token Bucket Algorithm.

TCs of the same pipe handled in strict priority order. Queues of the same TC are serviced using Weighted Round Robin (WRR) algorithm according to predefined weights.

hqos add profile

This command creates a HQoS profile. The profile defines the Token Bucket Algorithm parameters of a pipe.

hqos add profile <profile_id> rate <rate> size <size> tc period <tc_period>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a HQoS profile to create  
rate Traffic limit rate. The rate value can include suffixes K, M or G
K, M, G
size Bucket size, i.e. upper limit for the tb_credits  
The period of time that must have elapsed since the last credit
update in order for the bucket to be awarded credits.


This example shows how to create a HQoS profile 1 with the traffic limit rate 15 M, bucket size 1000000 and traffic classification period 40:

hqos add profile 1 rate 15 M size 1000000 tc period 40

hqos set profile

This command sets traffic class’s parameters of the profile.

hqos set profile <profile_id> tc <tc_number> rate <rate> wrr weights <weights>


Item Description Value
profile_id ID of a HQoS profile to set TC parameters  
rate Traffic limit rate. The rate value can include suffixes K, M or G
K, M, G
tc_number Number of a traffic class 1-4
weights Traffic class weights used by the WRR algorithm
1 1 1 1


By default, all the TC rates are equal to the profile’s rate.


This example shows how to set traffic limit rate 15 M and traffic class weight 1 1 1 1 for the different traffic classes within the HQoS profile 1:

hqos set profile 1 tc 1 rate 15 M wrr weights 1 1 1 1
hqos set profile 1 tc 2 rate 15 M wrr weights 1 1 1 1
hqos set profile 1 tc 3 rate 15 M wrr weights 1 1 1 1
hqos set profile 1 tc 4 rate 15 M wrr weights 1 1 1 1

hqos add port

This command creates a HQoS port.

hqos add port <port_number> rate <rate> mtu <mtu> frame overhead <frame_overhead> queue sizes <queue_sizes>


Item Description Value
port_number ID number of a HQoS port to create
rate Rate of an egress ethernet port. Typical value is 10 G.
K, M, G
mtu Packet’s Maximum transmission unit size. Typical value is 1522.  
Packet’s frame overhead that takes into account Start of Frame
Delimiter, Frame Check Sequence, and other packet fields.
A typical value is 24.
List of TC’s queue sizes. Each traffic class has 4 queues
of the same size.


This example shows how to create the HQoS port 0 with the parameters: traffic limit rate 10 G, MTU 1522, framne overhead 24 and the list of queue sizes 64 64 64 64:

hqos add port 0 rate 10 G mtu 1522 frame overhead 24 queue sizes 64 64 64 64

hqos add port subport

This command creates a subport for a HQoS port. Currently only one subport per port is supported.

hqos add port <port_number> subport <subport_number> rate <rate> size <size> tc period <tc_period>


Item Description Value
port_number Number of an already created HQoS port  
subport_number Number of a subport to create  
Traffic shaping rate of subport.
It’s the upper limit for traffic going through subport’s pipes.
K, M, G
size Subport bucket size. Typical value 1000000  
The period of time that must have elapsed since the last credit
update in order for the bucket to be awarded credits. Typical
value is 40.


This example shows how to create the subport 0 on the HQoS port 0 with thr traffic shaping rate 150 M, subport bucket size 1000000 and traffic classification period 10:

hqos add port 0 subport 0 rate 150 M size 1000000 tc period 10

hqos set port subport

This command sets traffic classes parameters of the subport.

hqos set port <port_number> subport <subport_number> tc <tc_number> rate <rate>


Item Description Value
port_number Number of a HQoS port  
subport_number Number of a subport to set TC parameters  
tc_number Number of a traffic class 1-4
Traffic shaping rate of subport.
It’s the upper limit for traffic going through subport’s pipes.
K, M, G


By default, all the subport’s TC rates are equal to the subport’s rate.


This example shows how to set the traffic shaping rate values for the different traffic classes of the port 0 subport 0:

hqos set port 0 subport 0 tc 1 rate 150 M
hqos set port 0 subport 0 tc 2 rate 100 M
hqos set port 0 subport 0 tc 3 rate 50 M
hqos set port 0 subport 0 tc 4 rate 50 M

hqos add port subport pipes

This command creates a number of pipes of a profile for a port’s subport.

hqos add port <port_number> subport <subport_number> pipes <number_of_pipes> profile <profile_id>


Item Description
port_number Number of a HQoS port
subport_number Number of a Subport
number_of_pipes Number of pipes to create
profile_id ID of a HQoS profile


This example shows how to create the number of pipes 40000 of i the HQoS profile 1 for the port 1 subort 0:

hqos add port 1 subport 0 pipes 40000 profile 1

applying hqos to subscriber

To apply HQoS to a subscriber, use the RADIUS attributes therouter_shaper_ingress_params and therouter_shaper_egress_params. For more details, see therouter_shaper_ingress_params.

DSCP policer

DSCP policer is a type of of QoS discipline used to apply different traffic policer depending on IP packet’s DSCP field value. A DSCP policer may consist of several sub policers (simple policers). Decision on which sub policer to use with a packet is made based on the packet’s IP DSCP value and on a DSCP map. The DSCP map translates DSCP values into sub policer numbers. DSCP policers can only be created for subscriber interfaces and are configured with the RADIUS attribute therouter_shaper_ingress_params.

dscp to hcar filter

This command creates an entry in the DSCP policer mapping table.

dscp to hcar filter <dscp> <policer_nb>


Item Description
dscp IP DSCP value
policer_nb Policer number to apply to traffic with the DSCP value


This example shows how to create a entry mapping DSCP value 4 to policer number 1

dscp to hcar filter 4 1